Did Your Kids Love the Eucharistic Congress? Check Out Eucharistic and Other Edifying Reads

Summer 2024 Children’s Book Picks

Learn about Eucharistic saints, including Carlo Acutis and Mother Cabrini.
Learn about Eucharistic saints, including Carlo Acutis and Mother Cabrini. (photo: Courtesy photos)

Eucharistic Saints: Twenty Stories of Devotion to Jesus

Written by Meredith Hinds

Illustrated by Adalee Hude

TAN Books, 2024

104 pages, $24.95

Old friends and new friends await in this timely book celebrating Jesus in the Eucharist and the saints who loved him by adoring him, protecting him, talking to him and listening to him. Each engaging story captures a special time in the lives of these saints or saints-in-the-making — from the well-known John Paul II, Thomas Aquinas and Thérèse of Lisieux to the lesser-known Augustine Tolton and Pascal Baylón — and the “newly arrived” saint-on-the scene, Carlo Acutis. Common to all was their complete love for Our Lord and its effect on their actions and choices they made in life. Colorful illustrations “pop” against white background. A great read for kids as the sparks and blessings of the Eucharistic Congress give new life; Ages: 8 and up.


Joseph’s Workshop

Written by Julia Wade

Illustrated by Matthew Bartula

16 pages, $16.95

“Good Joseph,/ good Joseph,/ what do you say?/ What will you make in your shop today?” Young readers have a chance to step into Joseph’s workshop, where he uses the tools of his trade — hammer, drill and plane — and works with great care, skill, prayerfulness and joy. This charming board book introduces children to the earthly father of Jesus in a gentle and engaging way. The beautiful illustrations are the perfect accompaniment to the warm, rhythmic text; Ages 3 to 8. 

Carlo Acutis: Holiness for the Third Millennium

Written by Camille W. De Prévaux

Illustrated by Fabrizio Russo and colorized by Roberta Pusceddu

Ignatius, 2024

48 pages, $16.99

With Carlo Acutis soon to become the first millennial saint, this hardback comic book could not be timelier. It places the Italian teenager in today’s world in which young readers can easily identify with many of his experiences: school, sports, video games, music, computers and friends. It was his friend, Jesus, whom he welcomed daily in the Holy Eucharist, who inspired him to reach out, also in friendship, to the many struggling about him. A computer whiz, Carlo created a website identifying Eucharistic miracles around the globe. Carlo died on Oct. 12, 2006 at the age of 15, from an aggressive form of leukemia diagnosed only a week earlier. He was beatified on Oct. 10, 2020. His good heart, cheerfulness and unwavering love of Christ are his legacy; Ages: 8 and up.



Mother Cabrini: A Heart for the World

Written by Claudia Cangilla McAdam

Illustrated by Richard Cowdrey

Sophia Institute Press, 2024 

32 pages, $17.95

Unstoppable! Mother Francesca Xavier Cabrini, tiny in stature and big in compassion, never gives up. She can’t. Her love for Jesus, found in the neglected orphans living in the sewers of New York City, is so great, she will go to any length to rescue them. And, as she does, the children become helpers in her mission of love. This is the story of one of the most heroic, most creative, and most inspiring women of recent memory — and the first American citizen to be canonized a saint. She and her missionary sisters founded 67 orphanages, hospitals and schools around the world. This picture book is a great choice for introducing kids to Mother Cabrini who did so much for so many; Ages: 4 to 7.


The Book That Changed Everything

Written by Allison Regina Gliot, FSP

Illustrated by Santiago Maria López Piuma

Pauline, 2023 

48 pages, $19.95

Books take Sofia to faraway places and introduce her to princesses and penguins, spaceships and dinosaurs. Sofia, it seems, knows about everything and everyone; yet, nobody knows her. She aches for a friend. Directed in a dream to “search and you will find,” Sofia heads to the library. And, there, she discovers a Book like none other — the living Word of God — and a new best friend. “That Book is my voice,” Jesus tells Sofia. “Whenever you read it, we are together.” What a great invitation for young readers to find Jesus in Scripture and in his Church; Ages: 3 to 7.


The Day God’s Helper Came

Written by Claudia Cangilla McAdam

Illustrated by Gina Capaldi

Ascension, 2024 

40 pages, $16.99

Young Hannah wants to leave Jerusalem and leave behind her former friends who now laugh at her for believing in Jesus. She had longed to tell them about the Teacher, but courage failed her. Hannah’s dad reminds her that Jesus asked them to stay in the city and promised to send a “helper.” Gathered in the Upper Room of a house filled with many believers, Hannah witnesses firsthand who that helper was. Afraid no longer and empowered by the Holy Spirit, Hannah rushes home. She has a story that must be shared! A description of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit rounds out this fictionalized account of Pentecost; Ages: 4 to 8.



The Knight’s Quest: A Journey Toward Greater Glory

Written by Judith Bouilloc

Illustrated by Sara Ugolotti

Ignatius, 2024 

72 pages, $16.99

Rodrigo has won the most prestigious tournament in the kingdom. The teenager has defeated full knights, even though he is only a squire. His decisive victory comes with honors and a choice. He must select which lord to serve as a knight. Following the advice of a beloved uncle, Rodrigo presents himself to a famous war hero, Inigo of Loyola, to guide him in his selection. But who is this gaunt man who limps, is not dressed in shining armor, and who calls himself Ignatius? Ignatius does not offer exercises in jousting or sparring, but spiritual exercises to help Rodrigo find the will of God in his life. As the young squire soon discovers, these are the best exercises of all; Ages: 7 and up.


The Holy Spirit and the Greatest Adventure

Written by Gracie Jagla

Illustrated by Ted Schluenderfritz

OSV Kids, 2024 

48 pages, $17.95

Who is the Holy Spirit, and what does he do? This vibrant picture book will introduce young readers to the often overlooked and misunderstood Third Person of the Trinity. Well-paced rhyming couplets tell the story of the Holy Spirit beginning at Pentecost (“At last, one great day in a small upper room,/ the apostles were gathered in prayer … and then, BOOM!/ The Spirit raced down, nothing stood in his way. He whirled all around them — today was the day!”). Nods are given to the work of the Holy Spirit in God’s great saints, along with strong reminders that he is very present in today’s world and wants to continue his work both within and through us! The soft, yet colorful, illustrations capture the excitement and reassuring message conveyed in the poetic text. This focus on the Holy Spirit builds on the author’s previous picture books on God the Father (God the Father and the Best Day Ever) and God the Son (Jesus and the Miracle of the Mass), creating a Trinitarian trifecta! Ages 3-8.


The Crawford Sisters write from Pittsburgh.