
Cardinal Tobin Announces Synodal ‘Pastoral Conversion’ Initiative for Archdiocese of Newark
Following the directive of the final Synod on Synodality document, the initiative proposes a series of recommendations for structural changes to be implemented across the archdiocese in the coming years, from new small groups at parishes to alliances between parishes.

In the Era of Synodality, ‘Lumen Gentium’ Delivers a Key Message About Episcopal Authority
COMMENTARY: The Second Vatican Council document articulates the proper relationship between papal authority and the authority of bishops, individually and collectively.

Pope Francis: Synod on Synodality Document Part of Magisterium, Calls for Implementation Now
The Holy Father wrote that the conclusion of the Synod on Synodality 'does not end the synodal process.'

The Search for Synodality
COMMENTARY: Definitions of synodality have finally been offered in the synod’s final report, including everything and leaving nothing out.

Why Was the Synod So Silent on the Traditional Latin Mass?
Traditional Latin Mass communities are flourishing around the world with rising vocations and strong Mass attendance but their existence was ignored in the Synod on Synodality's October assembly and final report.

Synod’s Implementation Should Not Turn Canon Law ‘Upside Down,’ Says French Bishop
Bishop Matthieu Rougé of Nanterre told the Register that many of the synod’s recommendations can be accommodated with existing Church structures.

It’s Premature to Judge the Synod Just Yet
ANALYSIS: The Synod on Synodality will have an important epilogue in the conclusions of the study groups to which Pope Francis entrusted the most controversial issues, including the question of women in ministry.

African Bishops Pleased With Outcome of Synod, Leading Prelate Says
Archbishop Andrew Nkea of Bamenda, Cameroon, said the continent’s delegates helped defeat a proposal to give national episcopal conferences greater doctrinal autonomy, a change he said would have led to a ‘chaotic Church.’

Women Deacons, ‘Sexuality’ and More: Here’s How the Synod Final Document Changed From the Draft
Amendments, or other avenues for affecting what was included in the text, still made significant difference in the 2024 text on a number of topics, including sexuality and the selection of bishops.