
Cardinal Dolan Explains Why Catholics Genuflect in Church
‘When we come into church, we look for the tabernacle, where the Real Presence of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament is reposed, and we genuflect,’ the archbishop of New York explained.

New Movie ‘The Last Supper’ Depicts Jesus’ Last Days Told Through the Eyes of His Followers
The film will be released on March 14 in theaters across the United States.

Operation Divine Mercy: An Appeal for Eucharistic Adoration This Lent
A Special Invitation for Catholics Ahead of the Lenten Season

Next National Eucharistic Congress Will Be Held in 2029
The location for the major Catholic event has not yet been shared.

Eucharistic Faith Rekindled
STORY OF THE YEAR: Many are hoping that the Eucharistic fire started this past year through the revival will lead to an outpouring of fervor and missionary zeal across the country.

A Night of Music and Mission: Catholic Artists Inspire Cleveland
Tickets were exclusively distributed to Eucharistic Congress delegates, asking them to invite guests who were unchurched, agnostic, atheist or who had drifted from the Catholic faith.

Carlo Acutis Film Gains Backing From National Eucharistic Congress, McGrath Institute
The film will be in theaters in time for the canonization of the Church’s first millennial saint.

Blessed Carlo Acutis’ Eucharistic Miracles Exhibition Stirs Interest, Devotion at Historic English Shrine
The exhibition, curated by Blessed Carlo Acutis, is now showing at the Ramsgate Shrine, one of England’s holiest sites where St. Augustine of Canterbury landed in 597 to evangelize the English.

‘Luckiest Priest in America’ Leads His Last Eucharistic Procession on Campus
Father Roger Landry may have been Columbia University's first Catholic chaplain to lead a Eucharistic procession on campus, and amid heightened security, gates again opened wide to let in the Real Presence of Christ.