Spanish Artist Ana Rey Is a Maker of Statues, Our Call to Love Radically, and More Great Links!

The Best In Catholic Blogging

‘Stones’ (photo: Mariya / Pixabay / CC0 / CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

Spanish Artist Ana Rey: Maker of Statues – John Paul Sonnen at Liturgical Arts Journal

Our Call to Love Radically – Angie Allen at Catholic Exchange

Comfortable Enough to Have S*x But Not To Discuss Unwanted Pregnancy – Lila Rose

How the Eucharist Prepares Us for Heavenly Glory – Philip Kosloski at Aleteia

The Legend of Saint James the Greater – Gregory DiPippo at New Liturgical Movement

Saint James the Greater – July 25th – Catholics for Catholics

Habit – James Chastek, Ph.L., Ph.D., at Just Thomism

The Brand New Mystic Update, for All Your Spiritual Needs! - Mystic Update

Hypocrisy Damages Evangelization – Constance T. Hull at Catholic Exchange

Go to Big Pulpit for Catholic News, Punditry, and Analysis, Curated for Catholics! – Big Pulpit

Tertullian On Baptismal Regeneration – David Armstrong at Biblical Evidence for Catholicism

Follow 'The Best In Catholic Blogging' Contributor, Tito Edwards, on X - Tito Edwards

A Checklist for Catholic Dads – Randy Hain at Integrated Catholic Life

Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Live! – The Chapel in Poland that Saint Kolbe Founded via Big Pulpit