How ‘Special Interest Advocacy’ Works at the Synod on Synodality
ANALYSIS: Tuesday’s ‘women’s ordination’ event, which synod delegates were invited to via mass email, is a good illustration of how side events attempt to influence the process.
ANALYSIS: Tuesday’s ‘women’s ordination’ event, which synod delegates were invited to via mass email, is a good illustration of how side events attempt to influence the process.
ANALYSIS: News media already has a built-in tendency to downplay nuance and highlight novelty, but this is arguably accentuated at the synod.
Pressed by O’Donnell as to whether a female diaconate was “something you’re open to,” Pope Francis replied: “If it is deacons with holy orders, no.”
The cardinal, who has previously courted controversy on doctrinal matters, emphasized the need for ongoing discussion.
In an interview with a Spanish-language daily newspaper, Salesian Sister Linda Pocher added that the issue is something the Holy See is working toward.
Bishop Strickland said that throughout the centuries the Church has always held that only men can be ordained to the priesthood.
COMMENTARY: Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger had the answer to the recent question of the president of the Central Committee of German Catholics on women’s role in the Church.
The post-synodal apostolic exhortation Querida Amazonia sets forth the Holy Father’s ‘Four Dreams’ for the region, but steers clear of endorsing married priests or women deacons.
Bishop Erwin Kräutler made his case Wednesday for the priestly ordination of married men in the region.
Holy Father told reporters on the papal plane coming back from Sweden that it's important to "read well" St. John Paul II's declaration ruling out women's ordination.
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