Before He Voiced Darth Vader, James Earl Jones Was a Wise Man
In ‘Jesus of Nazareth,’ James Earl Jones portrays Balthasar as driven by a delightful wonder of God and stars and galaxies far, far away.
In ‘Jesus of Nazareth,’ James Earl Jones portrays Balthasar as driven by a delightful wonder of God and stars and galaxies far, far away.
You don’t need to know everything. You just need to know that, if you love God, you want to do his will.
One part of the Christmas story that has puzzled many is where Matthew states that the star “went before” the wise men. Proper biblical exegesis can help here.
What astronomical data tells us about planetary conjunctions that may have occurred in relation to the birth of Jesus and/or the wise men visiting him.
“When Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, in the days of King Herod, behold, magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, saying, ‘Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him homage.’” (Matthew 2:1-2)
The Magi were originally a northwest Persian tribe that performed priestly functions and studied astronomy and astrology
On Dec. 21, the planets Jupiter and Saturn will appear a tenth of a degree apart in the night sky, something called a “Great Conjunction.”
The magi followed the star and found Baby Jesus. What are we to make of this mysterious event?
The magi followed the star and found Baby Jesus. What are we to make of this mysterious event?
For more than two millennia, the Star of Bethlehem, which guided the Magi to the city where Jesus was born, has been rousing the curiosity of researchers worldwide.
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