Results from Tag: 'Sept. 6-19, 2015'

40 Days for Life Is ‘Witnessing to Hope’
An interview with the campaign's Robert Colquhoun, international outreach director for the initiative.

Pope Francis to Step Into the Cuban Cauldron
NEWS ANALYSIS: Will the Holy Father call out a deadly dictatorship?

Newman College Aims to ‘Help Renew the Faith in Irish Society’
President Nick Healy Describes Catholic Mission of Blessed John Henry’s Academic Namesake

Catholic Identity College Guide 2015
The Register's 11th annual guide looks at 39 faithfully Catholic colleges and universities.

St. John’s Church Welcomes St. Maria
A Visit to Sts. John Neumann and Katharine Drexel’s Parish

Combating the Coup
Book Pick: The Coup at Catholic University: The 1968 Revolution in American Catholic Education