30 Years Ago Today, John Paul II Issued His Boldest Battle Cry for Life
COMMENTARY: The message of the landmark encyclical, ‘Evangelium Vitae’ is needed now more than ever.
COMMENTARY: The message of the landmark encyclical, ‘Evangelium Vitae’ is needed now more than ever.
Weigel made the charge last week in his talk titled “St. John Paul II and Jérôme Lejeune: Two Lives at the Service of Life,” given as part of the second International Conference on Bioethics in Rome from May 17–18 in the Eternal City.
Ultimately, she placed her hope not in human reason, which she well knew was fallible, but in God’s eternal reason and his promises.
COMMENTARY: We are not infinite as God is infinite, of course, but our dignity is not quantifiable and is indeed radically open-ended, as we are raised by way of participation into God’s inner life.
COMMENTARY: Who had better reasons for abandoning hope than a certain individual whose country was invaded by both Nazi as well communist forces?
Holy reel-igion offered from list commissioned by St. John Paul II!
Did you know a U.S. president arranged a Catholic wedding at the White House?
COMMENTARY: Henry Kissinger, who died Wednesday at the age of 100, was one of the most influential voices in the history of U.S. foreign policy.
COMMENTARY: The Polish Pontiff gave the world one ‘Fall Classic’ after another.
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