The Image of Our Lady of Lourdes That’s Not There but That Everyone Sees
In the niche that is part of the altarpiece above the altar, an image of the Virgin Mary can be seen although without a doubt the space is empty — there is nothing there.
In the niche that is part of the altarpiece above the altar, an image of the Virgin Mary can be seen although without a doubt the space is empty — there is nothing there.
Miracles at both shrines show how God uses simple elements — just as he did in Scripture — to bring healing and conversion.
COMMENTARY: After the Blessed Mother appeared to her in 1858, the French peasant girl sought simple religious life 400 miles away from Lourdes and the spotlight.
At the end of the musical, members of the Missionaries of Charity order founded by St. Teresa of Calcutta offered each guest a bag of food.
Pilgrims venture up the steep hillside along the Way of the Cross to a small, simple chapel that encompasses the spring.
Since 1900, more than 120 alleged Marian apparitions have received an official rejection from Church authorities; and new Vatican norms could lead to more explicit rejections.
The priest also explained the reason why it is not proper at this time to speak of a miracle.
May the Mother of God always keep us, and all our loved ones, close to her Immaculate Heart — and close to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Rocher de Massabielle marks the location where the Virgin Mary appeared to St. Bernadette in France. Chocolatier made annual pilgrimages to Lourdes and also organized a visit for his employees. He also had a statue of the Virgin Mary in each of his company’s 14 production facilities around the world.
Since it was built at the beginning of the 20th century, the shrine has been an important pilgrimage site.
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