Super Bowl Ad Shows the Power of Lay Apostolates
COMMENTARY: The real story in the Hallow commercial is the power of lay apostolates, which are a key factor in the extraordinary vibrancy of the Church in the U.S.
COMMENTARY: The real story in the Hallow commercial is the power of lay apostolates, which are a key factor in the extraordinary vibrancy of the Church in the U.S.
Several developments at the Oct. 4-29 session point to this objective.
A person who has died needs our prayers, and there is no greater or better prayer for the dead than the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
COMMENTARY: Christifideles Laici at 30: More Relevant Today Than Ever
Speakers from 5 continents will address the “urgent need” for clarity on the apostolic exhortation’s controversial chapter.
Appointment marks the second major appointment of an American to a Vatican position this summer.
Iuvenescit Ecclesia (The Church Rejuvenates) is the first major document issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith since Pope Francis’ election in March 2013.
COMMENTARY: 50 Years After the Vatican II Decree Apostolicam Actuositatem
The Holy Father told the synod on the family Oct. 22 that the new office has been established as part of his reform of the Curia.
The Holy Father told the Italian bishops’ general assembly, ‘The laity who have an authentic Christian formation do not have need of a ‘bishop-pilot’ or a ‘monsignor-pilot.’ They have … the need of a shepherding bishop.”
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