Results from Tag: 'holy trinity'

God’s Fingerprints: The Trinity is Everywhere
The transcendentals are nothing less than a glorious trinity of trinities

The Holy Trinity and the Throne of Mercy
SCRIPTURES & ART: ‘Before I come as the just judge,’ said Jesus to St. Faustina, ‘I am coming first as the King of Mercy’

Trinity Sunday: ‘Glory Be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit’
User’s Guide to the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

How a Famous Holy Trinity Icon Prompted Prayer Amid Communism — and the Holy Spirit Can Cleanse the Soul of Atheistic Lies
BOOK PICK: Priest’s memoir offers ‘tales about people who were striving to be good, to bring joy to each other and learn the meaning of life.’

Poetic Explanations of Divine Things: Delving Into the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
BOOK PICK: ‘The Seven Steps to Sanctification’

Pope Francis: The Trinity Inspires Us ‘to Live With Others and for Others’
‘We notice that the Holy Spirit speaks, but not of himself: He announces Jesus and reveals the Father,’ the Holy Father told pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square June 12.

Thinking Theologically About the Holy Trinity
BOOK PICK: Dominican Father Thomas Joseph White lucidly synthesizes teaching on the Triune God.

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity in Scriptures and Art
Today’s readings speak of the work of the Trinity in creation and redemption.

A Former Muslim Contemplates the Blessed Trinity and Incarnation
Don’t we owe our all to the Son of God who endured Good Friday so that he would never be excluded from our own sufferings?