Faith Alone? 80 Bible Verses Say Otherwise
The Bible underscores the necessity of works enabled by grace, affirming that faith alone does not complete our salvation.
The Bible underscores the necessity of works enabled by grace, affirming that faith alone does not complete our salvation.
Your actions matter, but so do your words. Here’s why it’s essential to talk openly about your faith with your children.
Every loss of a loved one brings pain and sadness, but through our faith in Jesus Christ comes the hope to one day be reunited and the strength to continue on.
Let’s observe June as Fidelity Month — a month to remind us of those values we have forgotten.
The ‘facts’ of the materialist, devoid of metaphysical truth, do not hold water.
‘The disciple of Christ must not only keep the faith and live on it, but also profess it, confidently bear witness to it, and spread it.’ (CCC 1816)
‘… when it is deprived of hope and love, faith does not fully unite the believer to Christ and does not make him a living member of his Body.’ (CCC 1815)
The lifelong Protestant began attending Mass with her daughter and hearing Church teaching on Mary, Confession and the Holy Eucharist — and says simply, ‘I believed everything I heard’
For me, my aunt epitomized what it meant to be intentional, authentic and faithful.
All ways do not lead to God. Learn his way and be set free. Get to know the real God.
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