Despite Protests From Senators, Planned Parenthood Affiliates Still Received PPP Loans in 2021
Sen. Rand Paul, the ranking member of the Senate Small Business Committee, said that the entities unlawfully received funds through the program.
Sen. Rand Paul, the ranking member of the Senate Small Business Committee, said that the entities unlawfully received funds through the program.
The House could be voting as soon as Tuesday on a COVID relief package that pro-life groups warn would increase funding of abortions.
In his remarks on the House Floor on Friday evening, the co-chair of the House Pro-Life Caucus, Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., called the exclusion of pro-life language “a radical departure from all previous COVID-19 relief laws,” and one which “mandates taxpayer funding of abortion-on-demand."
According to a recent Knights of Columbus/Marist poll, more than three-quarters of Americans opposed taxpayer funding of abortions overseas, and 58% of respondents opposed taxpayer-funded abortions in the U.S.
The National Catholic Education Association has said Catholic schools should be included in the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act, known as the HEROES Act, which is now before Congress.
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