Results from Tag: 'communion of saints'

Illinois Diocese Creates Boy Scouts Patch Honoring Venerable Father Augustus Tolton
The Catholic Committee on Scouting in the Diocese of Springfield announced the Venerable Father Augustus Tolton Activity Patch, which honors the first recognized Black priest in the United States.

Make Friends With Friends of God Like St. Patrick
Catholics should not be content to be trapped in our own age, unable to look outside this time and place for good and heroic companions.

Pope Francis to Preside Over Canonization Mass of Argentina’s First Female Saint
Blessed María Antonia of St. Joseph was proclaimed “Venerable” by Pope Benedict XVI in 2010 and was later beatified by Pope Francis in 2016.

True ‘Bible Christians’ Imitate and Venerate the Saints
The practice of honoring people on the earth ties into honoring and venerating saints as well

Holy Role Models: Saintly Friends and Heavenly Heroes

What Would Jesus’ Friends Do?
The saints can be models for holiness in the most concrete and practical of contexts.

Publicly Proclaimed Papal Holiness
COMMENTARY: The beatification of Pope John Paul I invites a few considerations on papal causes for beatification and canonization.

Glowing Tributes Paid to Mother Teresa in India on 25th Anniversary of Her Death
The saint’s legacy remains alive and vibrant in the Indian city where she founded the Missionaries of Charity to serve the poorest of the poor.

Canale D’Agordo: The Land That Formed Blessed Pope John Paul I’s Faith
The ‘Smiling Pope’ will be beatified Sept. 4 in Rome.