Results from Tag: 'church in poland'

Does the Advent of the Tusk Government Foreshadow an Erosion of Poland’s Christian Culture?
NEWS ANALYSIS: Under the impetus of progressive policies pushed forward by the new national government, the socio-cultural landscape seems to be changing rapidly in a country that remains among the most Catholic in Europe.

Polish Elections Point to Possible Shift in Country’s Abortion Laws, ‘Political Clashes’
Abortion is currently illegal in Poland except for cases of rape, incest, and when the life of the mother is in danger.

Married Couples from Across Europe Pray at Marian Shrine in Poland
The Teams of Our Lady traces its roots back to 1938, when four young couples approached a priest for guidance in living out their married vocation.

22,000 Young People Pray for Peace at Catholic Festival in Poland
Pope Francis sent a message to participants ahead of the youth festival on June 4.

50 Years Ago, the Paths of 2 Heroic Polish Blesseds Crossed
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński ordained Father Jerzy Popiełuszko to the priesthood on May 28, 1972.

Ukrainian Refugees in Rome Yearn to Return Home
War victims housed at a hotel on the outskirts of Rome discuss their plight with the Register.

Unable to Return to Ukraine, US Teacher Helps Refugees in Poland
Hands-on aid and praying the Rosary guide Nick Koeppel’s efforts and those who volunteer with him in Krakow.

Poland’s Catholics Dig Deep to Help Ukrainian Refugees
Almost all of Poland’s 10,000 Catholic parishes are supporting refugees, who are being housed in Church buildings, monasteries and convents, seminaries, and Caritas centers.

Catholic Bishops of Ukraine and Poland Say Russia Tensions Pose ‘Great Danger’
The bishops issued their message the day after Pope Francis announced that Jan. 26 will be a day of prayer for peace in the Eastern European country.