Vatican Media Watch 05.13.2007

Newspaper: Comic Terrorized the Holy Father

L’Osservatore Romano said an Italian comedian was guilty of “terrorism” for criticizing the Pope, and warned his rhetoric could fuel a return to 1970s-style political violence, Reuters reported.

In an unusually strongly worded editorial, the newspaper said Andrea Rivera launched “vile attacks” on Pope Benedict in front of an “excitable crowd” at a May Day concert sponsored by the country’s labor unions.

It stated, “It’s terrorism to stoke blind and irrational rage against someone who always speaks in the name of love, love for life and love for man.”

Pope Benedict Ordains 22 Priests

Among the 22 men Pope Benedict ordained April 29 was the son of the man who has been the Vatican’s official photographer for decades, according to the Associated Press.

Juan Carlos Mari was ordained as a member of the Legionaries of Christ. His father Arturo has been taking photographs of popes on pilgrimages and during ceremonies for decades for the Vatican’s newspaper L’Osservatore Romano. The elder Mari was among the faithful in the pews.

Benedict called for prayers for the new priests to persevere in their ministry and remain faithful, and asked for prayers for more vocations for the priesthood.

Vatican Survey to Focus on Anti-Semitism

Reuters reported that the Vatican plans to survey the Church’s bishops to see whether they think biblical texts are still used to foster anti-Semitism.

The survey, published in late April by the Vatican to prepare for a major meeting next year, also asks bishops if they are making dialogue with Jews a priority in their work.

The questionnaire says too few Catholics know enough about the Old Testament, and they need better training in how to read it.

Scuola del Cuoio focuses on the craft of leathergoods.

Catholic Business Profile: Scuola del Cuoio

Located inside the Franciscan monastery of Santa Croce, it was founded in 1950 by Marcello Gori and his brother-in-law Silvano Casini to teach the art of leatherworking to World War II orphans.