Full Text: New March for Life President Addresses Thousands in Washington

‘Witness to people around you about the beauty and the preciousness of every single human life, no matter the circumstances.’

Jennie Bradley Lichter addresses the pro-life crowd on Jan. 24, 2025.
Jennie Bradley Lichter addresses the pro-life crowd on Jan. 24, 2025. (photo: Courtesy photo / March for Life )

Editor's Note: The new March for Life president Jennie Bradley Lichter addressed the 2025 March for Life in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 24, 2025. Please find her full speech below. She will assume the office of president of the organization on February 1, 2025.  

Hello, marchers!

I’m Jennie. And in just a few days, I will be the new president of the March for Life, taking over from a hero of mine, Jeanne Mancini. This is my first time standing up here at the March for Life. But it isn’t my first march.

Is there anyone here who came to D.C. on an overnight bus ride?

That was me — 24 years ago, for my first March for Life. I was a college freshman at Notre Dame. I rode the bus through the night, slept on the floor at a Catholic parish across the river, and had an absolutely amazing experience at the march. Since then, I’ve been back so many times — with classmates, friends, coworkers. … Then I started bringing my husband, Brian — and in recent years, our kids.

But I’ve never forgotten my first march and the impact it had on me when I was still a teenager. I never could have dreamed, on that day, that I would eventually lead the March for Life and get to greet all of my friends and fellow marchers from up here.

I know that in this crowd today there are so many future pro-life leaders — maybe even my successor as president of the March for Life. I know that there are so many current pro-life leaders here — including so many young leaders, who witness to people around you about the beauty and the preciousness of every single human life, no matter the circumstances. 

You all know that unborn people are people too — and they have a right to life just like the rest of us. You know that the wantedness of a human being doesn’t determine our value. You know that it’s right and good to stand up for people who are too small to defend themselves. You know that abortion hurts women — that abortion hurts everyone it touches.

I call you leaders precisely because you know these truths and you aren’t afraid to say them out loud. But lately many of the loudest voices have been shouting the lie that women need access to abortion. So I want to talk directly to all the young women here who are being targeted with that message.

Jennie Bradley Lichter MFL 2025
Jennie Bradley Lichter addresses the pro-life crowd on Jan. 24, 2025.(Photo: Courtesy photo)

Ladies, hear this: Loud voices might have told you that being a mother will hold you back; that having a baby at the wrong time will derail your education — or your career prospects — or even your shot at happiness; that your own future children are the enemies of your flourishing and fulfillment; that your ability to bear children is your greatest weakness.

You might have heard voices telling you that you are not strong enough to be a mom and still follow your dreams — that you are not strong enough, period.

I am here to tell you that anyone who says these things is lying to you.

You are strong enough. Motherhood is so empowering. It will make you tougher — and happier — and more fulfilled than you ever imagined possible. It will stretch you. Your heart will grow, and grow, and grow, no matter the circumstances. 

And if you are ever in a situation where you can’t care for your baby — you are strong enough to entrust your child to another loving family through adoption.

Don’t ever let anyone tell you that you aren’t.

Young men: Don’t let anyone tell you that the way to love the women in your lives is to support abortion — let alone push them towards abortion when things look tough.

People are lying to you when they say that your education or economic security hinges on the right to kill your child in the womb. That’s not what you, or the women you love, need. It will not make you happy. 

The women you love need men who are strong and confident enough to embrace the beauty and messiness of life, no matter the circumstances. That’s real strength — and real love.

Before I close, I have an action item for each person here.

When you get home, take a few minutes to get to know the resources available in your area for pregnant women who need a hand, because you never know when someone in your life might confide in you about an unexpected pregnancy. 

Be ready for that. 

Know who they can call — or who you can call for them — to get medical care, parenting classes, diapers, wipes, baby clothes. 

And be ready to be the person they can turn to for a hug.

Be ready to be the voice telling them that they are strong enough.

Since I was announced as the next president of the March for Life, some people have asked me if we’re done marching because Roe v. Wade was overturned.

No. Of course we’re not done! We will keep marching here in Washington until abortion is not only illegal — but unthinkable. And we still have work to do. 

So we’re so not done. I’m not done. I’m just getting started. 

I’ll see you all back here next year — and every year, until every woman and every baby is loved and protected. We will keep on marching — together.

Jennie Bradley Lichter was chosen as President-elect of the March for Life Education and Defense Fund in September 2024.  She will assume the office of President of the organization on February 1, 2025.  

Tens of thousands of pro-life advocates march through the streets of Washington, D.C., during the 52nd-annual March for Life. Participants from across the nation braved sunny but frigid weather to demonstrate their commitment to the protection of unborn life.

A Promising Pro-Life Start

EDITORIAL: Both President Trump and Vice President Vance voiced their support of the pro-life cause at the Jan. 24 March for Life in Washington.