Milwaukee’s New Archbishop Draws From Rural Roots at Installation Mass
Archbishop Jeffrey Grob, a Wisconsin native, was installed as Milwaukee’s 12th archbishop during a Mass at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist.

Against a backdrop of joyful trumpets and rising incense, Archbishop Jeffrey Grob was installed as the newest leader of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Tuesday.
And despite the grandeur of downtown Milwaukee’s Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, the new shepherd didn’t hesitate to draw from his humble rural roots to share how he plans to lead the largest diocese in the state known as “America’s Dairyland.”
“Together, we will look to the future, continuing to grow what has been planted by others,” Archbishop Grob, who grew up on a dairy farm in Cross Plains, Wisconsin, in the neighboring Diocese of Madison, said in his homily.
Archbishop Grob drew other lessons from his agricultural upbringing, underscoring the need to respect the created order, especially the inherent dignity of every human person.
“No one should ever be summarily rejected, regardless of how flawed the individual may appear, or how grave the sinner,” he preached.
Archbishop Grob also spoke about the need to remain hopeful amid “changing seasons,” and highlighted the importance of “working together with neighboring farmers.”
“In a world ever increasing with contention, conflict, and destruction of the other, the works of charity and kindness are desperately needed,” he said.
During the Mass, representatives from various Catholic communities and institutions, like Marquette University, welcomed the new archbishop. Local civic leaders, including Milwaukee’s mayor, Cavalier Johnson, also paid their respects.
With his installation complete, Archbishop Grob, 63, becomes the shepherd of the more than 500,000 Catholics in the archdiocese. Additionally, he is now head of the ecclesiastical province of Milwaukee, which covers all of Wisconsin and includes the suffragan dioceses of Green Bay, La Crosse, Madison and Superior.
Before becoming Milwaukee’s archbishop, the canon lawyer was an auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Chicago, where he had spent all 32 years of his ordained ministry.
“What a singular privilege it is to be called back home to the land of fish fries, supper clubs and brandy old fashioneds,” quipped the Wisconsin native during the homily.
While celebrating Archbishop Grob’s installation was the focal point of the day, gratitude was also expressed to his predecessor, Archbishop Jerome Listecki. The now-retired prelate began the liturgy, introducing Cardinal Christoph Pierre, the papal nuncio to the United States.
Cardinal Pierre then thanked Archbishop Listecki, asking God to bless him with “many happy rewards,” before inviting those assembled to offer their thanks to the outgoing archbishop, whose resignation was accepted by Pope Francis in November upon turning 75 years old. Those gathered rose to their feet to applaud, and loud cheers were also heard from the assembly.
Archbishop Listecki had led the Archdiocese of Milwaukee since 2011, a period that included the archdiocese going through bankruptcy to reach a $21-million settlement with hundreds of victims of clergy sex abuse.
“Archbishop Listecki, you have accomplished many great deeds in the face of any number of daunting challenges,” Archbishop Grob told his predecessor. “Thank you, as someone who is the recipient of your hard and faithful labors.”
At the start of the installation, Cardinal Pierre read an English translation of the apostolic mandate, issued to Archbishop Grob by Pope Francis and officially recognizing him as Milwaukee’s new shepherd.
In his remarks, Cardinal Pierre expressed his confidence that Archbishop Grob would be blessed by the graces of the universal Church’s just-initiated Jubilee year, focused on the theme of hope.
“You know well that in order to give people hope in today’s world, what is necessary is a wholehearted commitment to being a synodal Church,” the papal nuncio told Archbishop Grob. “A Church that is open to all, that goes out to the margins, so that Christ may encounter them.”
The French-born Church diplomat then encouraged those gathered to extend their hands toward Archbishop Grob in a symbolic gesture of unity as he processed around the cathedral with the scroll opened, “because he will be your father.”
When Archbishop Grob finished his procession, he returned to the center aisle in front of the altar, holding the mandate aloft as the people stood and applauded, and Laudate Dominum was sung by the choir.
He then took his seat upon the cathedra, crosier in hand and miter on his head, as the 12th archbishop of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.
In the closing of his homily, Archbishop Grob asked his new flock for “the kindness of your patience and for the consolation of your prayers.” He also urged those gathered to grow in faith together, by remaining rooted in Jesus Christ.
“We need him. We need him now more than ever.”