Cardinal Turkson Says Ordination of Married Men May Get Further Study

The prefect of the Vatican’s the Dicastery for the Promotion of Integral Human Development said that the challenges in the Amazon are similar to challenges faced in other parts of the world.

Cardinal Peter Turkson
Cardinal Peter Turkson (photo: Daniel Ibanez/CNA)

VATICAN CITY — Cardinal Peter Turkson said Monday that the ordination of married men will likely be the subject of further study for the universal Church after the Amazon synod.

“This issue will probably be made the subject matter of a more detailed study of the issue with view to the Church taking a consistent position, not only in view of the Amazon, but in view of the universal Church,” Turkson told EWTN News Nightly Oct. 22.

During the special assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the Church’s life and ministry in the Pan-Amazon region, being held in Rome Oct. 6-27, several bishops have proposed the possibility of the ordination to the priesthood of so-called viri probati, a term used to refer to mature, married men of proven virtue, for ministry in remote areas of the Amazon.

Cardinal Turkson, the prefect of the Vatican’s the Dicastery for the Promotion of  Integral Human Development, said that the challenges in the Amazonian region are similar to challenges faced in other parts of the world.

“The situations in the Amazon are pretty similar to those in the Congo. In both cases, accessibility is very difficult and reduced, communication is tough, and if you want to get to places either by road or by river, those challenges are there,” said the cardinal, who is originally from Ghana.

The African cardinal explained that in the Congo trained catechists are leaders in their local communities, who preach the word of God, baptize, bury the dead and serve as extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist.

“But in that case, the guys in the synod here are listening to that, and they say that is fine, but they still can’t celebrate the Eucharist,” he said. “They are looking for someone who can, you know, anoint the sick, listen to confessions, celebrate the Eucharist with people; and that, of course, requires ordained ministry, for which, the examples in Africa then come short.”

Cardinal Turkson’s assessment was underscored during a synodal news conference on Tuesday by Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo Besungu, archbishop of Kinshasa, Republic of Congo. 

Cardinal Besungu is participating in the Amazon synod as a representative for the African Church, and especially the Congo River Basin, which, he said, shares several ecological, political and pastoral problems with the Amazon region.

Cardinal Besungu reiterated Cardinal Turkson’s assessment, saying that “the Amazon is very similar to the Congo basin.”

At a Vatican news conference Oct. 22, Cardinal Besungu said that the African Church has organized REBAC, the Ecclesial Network of the Congo Basin Forest, a network similar to REPAM, the South American group that is a driving force behind the Amazon synod.

REPAM, a group backed by the bishops’ conferences in Latin America, describes itself as an advocacy organization for the rights and dignity of indigenous people in the Amazon. The network has been involved in preparations and events leading up to and during the synodal assembly. REPAM’s president, Cardinal Claudio Hummes, holds the position of relator-general of the Amazon synod.

In a meeting between REPAM and REBAC in 2017, held in Brazil, the Church representatives participated in a two-hour celebration of Mother Earth led by an indigenous woman in which “participants gathered around a tree with many symbols around it,” including a Mayan calendar. 

“The aim of this celebration was to connect participants with nature,” according to CPAL, the conference of Jesuit provincials for Latin America and the Carribean. “Many of them believe that they now have a better understanding of the message of Pope Francis in Laudato Si.” 

Cardinal Besungu said that the church in the Congo prioritized “inculturation of the Gospel” in response to a perception following the country’s independence that the Catholic Church was seen as an outside force in the immediate post-colonial era.

The most evident result of inculturation in the Congo is a “ritual of the Eucharist which is our own,” Cardinal Besungu said. “In our country, the Eucharist is a real feast.”

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