Of Prodigals and Heavenly Feasts
User’s Guide to the Fourth Sunday of Lent

Sunday, March 30, is the Fourth Sunday of Lent. Mass readings: 1 Samuel 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a; Psalm 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6; Ephesians 5:8-14; John 9:1-41 or John 9:1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38.
Today’s Gospel focuses on the Parable of the Prodigal Son. Both sons prefer what their father has or can give them to their father himself. In the end, one son repents and finds his way to the father’s heart. We don’t find out what happens to the second son. The parable didn’t tell us what happened to him because the story is really about us; it is we who must finish it. The question we must answer is this: “What do I really want? Do I want the consolation of God, or the God of all consolation; the gifts of God, or the giver of every good and perfect gift?”
Let’s look at this Gospel in three parts.
Renegade Son
Most of us are familiar with this parable. We tend to focus on the younger (and obviously sinful) son rather than the older one. This is interesting because the Lord Jesus seems to have his focus on the older son (the parable is addressed to the scribes and Pharisees, who see themselves as obedient). In an almost-miraculous turn of events, the renegade son comes to his senses, thinking, “I shall arise and go to my father.” St. Paul reminds us that we were dead in our sins, but God made us alive in Christ (Colossians 2:13).
Rejoicing Father
The astonishing nature of this parable is only just beginning, for Jesus goes on to describe a father who is shockingly merciful. He does things that no ancient father would ever do. Jesus describes this father as so filled with love and mercy that he sacrifices his personal dignity by running to meet his son, something no ancient nobleman would ever do. Running was a sign of being in flight or of being a slave out on an errand. Further, in order to run, the ancients (who wore long garments) had to bare their legs — a disgraceful thing for nobility. Reaching his son, he says, in effect, “You are my son, whatever your sins. They are forgotten. You are my beloved son!” What kind of father is this? No earthly father would behave this way. Jesus is saying, “This is what my Father is like!”
Resentful Son
The older brother’s sinfulness is subtler. Outwardly, he follows his father’s rules, and he has never openly rejected his father; inwardly, though, he is not so different. Among the older son’s complaints is that he could host a celebration. But our goal in life is not to celebrate with friends; it is to celebrate with the heavenly Father. Further, the second son does not want to accept who his father is (forgiving) and does not want to enter the feast on his father’s terms (celebrating repentance). He hates this feast. And though his father pleads for him to enter the feast, he refuses.
And the heavenly Father is pleading with us to enter the feast — not some made-up feast where we choose the attendees — but the real, actual feast of heaven, where some surprising people may be in attendance.
This parable is unfinished since you and I must finish it. Will we enter the feast? The Father is pleading, “Come in, before it’s too late.”
- Keywords:
- parable of the prodigal son
- user’s guide to sunday
- user's guide to sunday
- heavenly banquet