Mother Cabrini’s Heart and Quality Journalism

Letters 05.05.24

Letters to the editor offer a variety of opinions.
Letters to the editor offer a variety of opinions. (photo:

Mother Cabrini’s Heart

I appreciated the spot-on truths in the article and insightful interview with the director of the Cabrini film, Alejandro Monteverde (“Real Heroes Wear Capes: The Story of Mother Cabrini Comes to the Big Screen,” Arts, Feb. 11 issue), regarding Mother Cabrini and the source and center of who she was and why she gave of herself: It was for and in Jesus and his Sacred Heart. 

Added to this, I’ll add from research, was her union with the Blessed Sacrament and relationship with the Virgin Mary. It’s sad to me that we need a spiritual explanation after the film is produced to unravel these central truths in the article “beyond the movie” when the movie could have beautifully shown this of its own accord: her prayer life, her love for God, and her boundless courage and trust centered in the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

As a licensed professional counselor with families in crisis and a longtime former hospice and bereavement coordinator — I’m in the social services’ trenches as it is ... which is a great thing in itself — I don’t really care to see a tremendous woman and saint like Mother Cabrini shown more as a type of super social worker, or given cinematic scenes that can be interpreted as an activist or feminist. 

The Gospel call flows from union with Jesus Crucified and his way and is, as the article rightly says, for all persons in need — men, women and youth (we are all one family in Christ) — and it’s power of the Resurrection flowing from the cross that St. Frances Xavier Cabrini wore not only on her habit, but carried in her heart.

 John JD Schweska 

 New Jersey 

Quality Journalism 

I have enjoyed reading the Register after months of consuming the other lackluster, superficial and corrupt journalism that the world offers.  Thank you for your mission of proclaiming the truth and upholding the quality of authentic Catholic journalism.

 Elijah Guevara

 via email


The photos used with “Little Miracle of Lille” (front page, April 21 issue) were by Prudence Cuypers, not Lille Catholic University. The Register regrets the error.