The Saints Proclaim the Fruits of the Spirit
In confirmation, the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are increased within a soul: wisdom, understanding, knowledge, counsel, fortitude, piety and fear of the Lord.

On Wednesday, Pope Francis reminded the faithful that the Holy Spirit is the author of unity.
He concluded his address with this explanation:
“The unity life, the unity of Pentecost, according to the Spirit, is achieved when one makes the effort to put God, not oneself, at the center. Christian unity is built in this way too: not waiting for others to reach us where we are, but moving together towards Christ. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to help us be instruments of unity and peace.”
Catholics, of course, seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The sacrament of confirmation is a pivotal moment of growth in Catholic life. It is through this sacrament that the Christian individual is sealed with an indelible mark of the Holy Spirit, set apart forever for God’s kingdom.
As we are sealed, the Holy Spirit enhances in the confirmand the seven gifts of the Spirit. Through this outpouring of grace, Christians who receive this sacrament “share more completely in the mission of Jesus Christ and the fullness of the Holy Spirit with which he is filled, so that their lives may give off the ‘aroma of Christ’” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1294).
Confirmation is a sacrament infused with richness, tradition, beauty and power. By highlighting the importance of confirmation sponsors, the beauty of a relationship with one’s confirmation saint, and the impact of the gifts of the Spirit on our daily life, the faithful can become more aware of the graces received and more attentive to those sponsored.
A confirmation sponsor, or individual specially selected by the confirmand, has a crucial role in the confirmand’s spiritual journey leading up to confirmation. Being a confirmation sponsor is a holy calling, a sacred duty.
“The journey of faith is one we ought not walk alone,” Franciscan Father Dave Pivonka, president of Franciscan University of Steubenville, explained to the Register, “and the Church in her wisdom, through the sacraments, seeks to have people walk with us. These men and women take seriously the invitation, responsibility and honor of walking with us in our journey of faith.”
So, what might it look like to help the person you have sponsored to fulfill their baptismal promises? First and foremost, always strive to remain in a state of grace so as to witness growth in holiness and hunger for virtue.
Consider keeping in close contact with the confirmand, whether it be through occasional meetings or phone calls, or sending a letter or small gift on the anniversary of confirmation. (Keep note of the date on your calendar for quick reference!) These gestures, though seemingly small, are a way to remind the confirmand of one’s love, support and call to holiness, as well as keeping the lines of communication open.
Above all, a confirmation sponsor prays and intercedes for the confirmand — and not just in the days leading up to the sacrament. Catholic teacher and author Katie Bogner, does just this. “I include each of my confirmands by name in my morning prayers. I ask that they follow the will of the Lord that day and never stray far from his steps.”
Leaning on the Saints
Preparing for the sacrament, confirmands choose a saint whose name they will take on at confirmation. This tradition encourages the individual to develop a relationship with a member of the heavenly host, fostering deeper fondness for the intercession of the saints.
The Catechism teaches us that, “by the sacrament of Confirmation, [the baptized] are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit” (1285). The saints assist us in this through their living testimony of following Christ.
Father Pivonka reflected on choosing St. Anthony to be his confirmation saint. He recalled selecting him “because there is a charism about him that spoke to my heart. He was single-hearted for Christ and wanted to share this with others.”
As a sponsor, consider praying with the confirmand for the intercession of the selected saint. Encourage study of the life of the saint and provide prayers or writings by the saint so that the confirmand can feel a certain kinship to to him or her. Bring joyful celebration into the mix by sending a small gift to one’s confirmand on the feast of their chosen saint — or for All Saints’ Day.
“I encourage my students to memorize their confirmation saint’s feast day and celebrate it each year,” Bogner told the Register. “Heading to daily Mass and grabbing ice cream after is a perfect combo, or you can have a meal with food from their home country, or honor their legacy by doing something they would have done: volunteer at a soup kitchen, make a Holy Hour, go on a hike, etc.”
Using the Spirit’s Gifts in Daily Life
In confirmation, the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are increased within a soul: wisdom, understanding, knowledge, counsel, fortitude, piety and fear of the Lord. Each of these gifts are intended to perfect virtue and increase intimacy with the Creator. St. Ambrose urges the baptized and confirmed to “guard what you have received,” in reference to these gifts.
In daily tasks, be it work, school, child-rearing, and all else, the faithful are invited to call upon the Holy Spirit to stir up these gifts in one’s heart. Pray often, “Come, Holy Spirit” and ask for whatever it is needed in that moment. As Bogner shared, “Asking for the Holy Spirit to come and act in our lives should be a foundational part of our prayer.”
Dealing with an overwhelming issue in a relationship? Pray for wisdom. Struggling to see the presence of God in the mundane? Ask for reverence/fear of the Lord. At the precipice of a life-altering decision? Invite the Spirit to give understanding, knowledge and fortitude. Pray the same for confirmands.
“Be intentional,” Father Pivonka recommended. “A day never goes by, many times a day, that I pray that the Holy Spirit be present to me. I recognize my need, the fact that I am often weak and empty, and ask the Spirit to fill me and empower me. ‘Come, Holy Spirit’ — such a simple prayer, but what a tremendous grace!”
- Keywords:
- holy spirit
- pentecost
- 'pope francis