On Heels of Apostolic Visitation, Bishop Strickland Keeps Up Presence on Social Media
Bishop Joseph Strickland, 64, has faced both praise and criticism for his online posting, which supporters laud for clarity on Church teaching but critics argue is irresponsible.

While many Catholics across the country have expressed solidarity with Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas, following a formal investigation into him and his diocese ordered by Pope Francis, the east Texas prelate hasn’t made any formal statements following the apostolic visit. He has, however, continued to post many tweets.
It’s unclear how many of his tweets are related to the investigation. However, one directly addresses his supporters, in which he thanked an organization for its support.
Other than that, his Twitter feed appears to be par for the course for the widely popular firebrand bishop who is admired by many Catholics for his outspokenness against prominent modern-day issues such as abortion, gender ideology, and the political agendas of elected officials who blatantly disregard the sanctity of the unborn.
The cause of the investigation from Rome is unclear. News of the inquiry into Bishop Strickland comes following his participation in a Eucharistic procession and prayer rally in Los Angeles on June 16 organized to protest Major League Baseball’s Los Angeles Dodgers for honoring an anti-Catholic drag group at the team’s annual “Pride Night” game.
A source within the diocese who spoke with EWTN News on background explained that the apostolic visitation consisted of interviews with diocesan clergy and laity throughout the preceding week before concluding on Saturday morning with a meeting with Bishop Strickland.
According to the source in the diocese, the bishop’s social-media use was addressed as well as questions related to diocesan management.
Bishop Strickland, 64, has faced both praise and criticism for his social media use, which supporters laud for clarity on Church teaching but critics argue is irresponsible, with some taking aim at a May 12 tweet in which he suggested that Pope Francis was “undermining the Deposit of Faith.”
Bishop Strickland typically tweets several times each week about the Catholic faith and related current events, oftentimes directly criticizing the nation’s pro-abortion leaders such as U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and President Joe Biden by name.
Bishop Emeritus Gerald Kicanas of Tucson and Bishop Dennis Sullivan of Camden, New Jersey, led the apostolic visitation, which EWTN News confirmed has already concluded.
CNA reached out to the Diocese of Tyler for comment on Tuesday morning but didn’t receive a response.
Bishop’s Tweets
The organization Coalition for Canceled Priests tweeted a video from its conference of attendees praying the Hail Mary prayer for Bishop Strickland on June 26, to which the bishop responded.
“When we heard about Rome’s visit to @Bishopoftyler we acted immediately. May the humble prayers of the hundreds of Catholics be of assistance and peace for you as you continue being a stalwart of Catholicism, Your Excellency,” said the tweet by the organization, which seeks to help priests return to active ministry after being “unjustly canceled by their bishops.”
Bishop Strickland responded to the organization’s tweet by thanking them, saying “Our power is…’Hail Mary full of grace…’”
The bishop responded to another tweet on Monday night by Fox News that shows a photo of a “Pride” parade with men walking around naked, saying: “It’s imprudent to speak out against this wonton evil? I disagree.”
He added: “I believe the imprudence is that their [sic] is not a might roar from people of faith saying, ‘These atrocities against our innocent children CANNOT be tolerated.’”
Responding to an article by LifeNews.com about Pelosi’s promotion of the pro-abortion agenda, Bishop Strickland tweeted Tuesday:
“Pray for her heart & the hearts of many to turn from the ways of death and embrace the way of the Lord of Life, Jesus Christ…"
On Tuesday, he also posted a picture of a painting of Jesus holding a sheep on his shoulders.
In another tweet, he praised the Catholic Church for being established by Jesus Christ:
On Sunday, he tweeted about being persecuted as a Christian:
In another tweet on Sunday, Bishop Strickland posted a photo of himself in priestly vestments and a young boy sharing a joyful moment seemingly after a Mass, with a passage from Romans 8:38.
On Monday morning, the bishop tweeted a picture of Jesus with words from a popular hymn, In Christ Alone.