Cardinal Müller and Cardinal Burke Rebuke German Bishops Over Same-Sex Union Blessings
Cardinal Burke urged the Vatican to sanction the bishops who voted in favor of blessing homosexual unions.

A synod of German bishops overwhelmingly approved Church blessings of same-sex unions and unions between divorced and remarried Catholics, but the move has faced harsh criticism from some members of the Catholic hierarchy who have accused the German bishops of abandoning the faith.
German Cardinal Gerhard Müller and American Cardinal Raymond Burke rebuked the German bishops and called on them to be sanctioned in an interview on EWTN’s The World Over with Raymond Arroyo, which aired on Thursday night, March 16.
“There must be a trial and they must be sentenced and they must be removed from their office if they are not converting themselves and they are not accepting the Catholic doctrine,” Cardinal Müller told Arroyo during the interview.
“That is very sad that a majority of bishops voted explicitly against the revealed doctrine, and the revealed faith of the Catholic Church and of all our Christian thinking, against the Bible, the word of God in the Holy Scripture and in the apostolic tradition and in the defined doctrine of the Catholic Church,” the cardinal added.
Cardinal Müller said the laypeople and the bishops who supported these resolutions at the German Synodal Way are “influenced by this LGBT and woke ideology, which is materialistic and nihilistic.”
“It is absolutely blasphemic to make a blessing about those forms of life which is, according to the biblical and the ecclesial doctrine a sin because all forms of sexuality outside of a valid matrimony is sin and cannot be blessed,” he said.
“If you look in the Bible, it’s absolutely only the matrimony between man and woman who are united in love in the body and in the soul,” the cardinal said, “and to have the possibility [to] become fathers and mothers and to found a family.”
Cardinal Burke urged the Vatican to sanction the bishops who voted in favor of blessing homosexual unions.
“Whether it’s a departure, heretical teaching and denial of one of the doctrines of the faith, or apostasy in the sense of simply walking away from Christ and from his teaching in the Church to embrace some other form of religion, these are crimes,” Cardinal Burke said. “I mean, these are sins against Christ himself and, obviously then, of the most serious nature. And the Code of Canon Law provides the appropriate sanctions.”
The cardinal warned that the Church is being “used” to push an ideological agenda.
“These are human inventions, human ideologies that are being pushed and the Church is being used,” Cardinal Burke added. “And what it does is it renders the Church then into some kind of a human agency, almost like a government agency that’s being manipulated to foster certain programs and certain agenda. And so we need to wake up to what is happening.”
“You will notice that in a lot of this talk, you never hear the name of Our Lord,” Cardinal Burke said. “You never hear talk about what Our Lord Jesus Christ is teaching us, what he’s asking of us. So this is a very serious situation.”
The cardinal also responded to Arroyo’s suggestion that “opponents of these reforms are often derided as going against the Pope.”
“We are the ones who love the Pope and are trying to help him to carry out his mission, whereas these people who simply ignore what Rome is saying to them, what the See of Peter is saying to them, show that they have no respect for him, whatever they are indeed the enemies of the pope. I think it’s clear any reasonable person can see that,” he said.
Cardinal Burke told Arroyo that Pope Francis “sometimes says things that are very clear and in accord with the Church’s teaching with regard to these matters.”
“What the agents of the revolution do is simply ignore these statements and take other statements in which he seems to be favorable,” he said.