Anglican Minister ‘Concelebrates’ Mass for the Installation of Catholic Archbishop, Takes Communion
The woman remained in the sanctuary, actively participated in the consecration of the Eucharist and received Communion.

Vivian Schwanke De Oliveira, a minister of the Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil (IEAB, by its Portuguese acronym), “concelebrated” the Sunday, Feb. 9, Mass for installation of the archbishop of the Archdiocese of Chapecó in St. Anthony Cathedral.
The minister entered the church wearing a white alb and a blue stole, together with the priests and bishops in the entrance procession; she remained in the sanctuary, actively participated in the consecration of the Eucharist and received Communion.
Canon 908 of the Code of Canon Law states that “Catholic priests are forbidden to concelebrate the Eucharist with priests or ministers of churches or ecclesial communities which are not in full communion with the Catholic Church.”
“Catholic ministers may lawfully administer the sacraments only to Catholic members of Christ’s faithful, who equally may lawfully receive them only from Catholic ministers,” Canon 844 further delineates.
The Mass was celebrated by the archbishop of Chapecó, Odelir José Magri, MCCJ, who spoke of the ecumenical significance of the presence of religious authorities at the celebration. He mentioned the presence of the minister of the IEAB, gesturing to her at the altar, and of the pastor of the Renovar em Cristo (Renew in Christ) Church, who was sitting on the second pew of the church along with the other members of the faithful.
At the celebration, Father François Cristiano Cousseau, chancellor of the archdiocese, read the Pope’s decree on the creation of the Archdiocese of Chapecó and the appointment of Magri as archbishop.
Kneeling before the altar, Odelir professed his faith and reaffirmed his belief in the truths of the Word of God and the teachings of the Church. He also took the oath of fidelity, committing to maintain communion with the Catholic Church, preserve the integrity of the faith and promote ecclesiastical discipline.
The Mass was concelebrated by about 80 priests and seven bishops from the state of Santa Catarina: the bishop of Caçador, Cleocir Bonetti; the bishop of Lages, Guilherme Werlang, MSF; the bishop of Joaçaba, Mário Marquez, OFMCap; the auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Florianópolis, Onécimo Alberton; the bishop of Rio do Sul, Adalberto Donadelli Junior; and the archbishop of Joinville, Francisco Carlos Bach.
The Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil in Western Santa Catarina and Alto Uruguai Gaúcho published a statement congratulating “the Archdiocese of Chapecó for its elevation [to an archdiocese] and you, Dom Odelir, for your appointment as archbishop” and reaffirmed its desire to “walk side by side in the mission of Christ, always seeking unity in faith and in service to others.”
ACI Digital, CNA’s Portuguese-language news partner, contacted the Archdiocese of Chapecó to request an explanation regarding the Anglican minister’s participation in the concelebration of the Mass and the reason for receiving the Eucharist. The press office sent a response signed by Magri. Below is the full text of the response:
“In reference to what happened during the solemn Mass of installation of the Archdiocese of Chapecó and my installation as metropolitan archbishop, we inform you that we have already communicated with the apostolic nunciature in Brazil regarding the circumstances of this isolated incident of inadvertent violation of liturgical norms.”
“We renew our commitment to doctrinal orthodoxy and liturgical orthopraxy, and we will strive to avoid future errors,” the text adds.
“We implore divine blessings on our particular Church as we continue united in the evangelizing mission,” the statement concludes.
- Keywords:
- anglican church
- brazil