‘The 7 Last Words of Christ’ 2023
This year’s meditations by Father Raymond J. de Souza honored the late Cardinal George Pell, including some of his meditations from his ‘Prison Journal.’

“This tradition is very ancient,” Register contributor Father Raymond J. de Souza says in the opening of The Seven Last Words of Christ meditations that aired on EWTN on Good Friday 2023.
This year’s meditations honored the late Cardinal George Pell, including some of his meditations from his Prison Journal. Other reflections drew upon the reflections of Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI.
“When we think about the Passion, the suffering and death of the Lord,” Father de Souza explains, it teaches the faithful that “to love vehemently means a willingness to suffer.”
And as Father de Souza underscored, “God so loved the world that he sent his only Son.”