St. Michael the Archangel — ‘Standing as a Reinforcement and a Bulwark’
“Then war broke out in heaven; Michael and his angels battled against the dragon. The dragon and its angels fought back, but they did not prevail and there was no longer any place for them in heaven.” —Revelation 12:7–8

The archangel Michael is specifically named in the Bible within three books — Daniel, Jude and Revelation.
In Daniel, Michael is mentioned on only three different occasions, but the words used to describe him are remarkable. He is referred to as “one of the chief princes,” “standing as a reinforcement and a bulwark,” and “the great prince, guardian of your people.” The Book of Daniel clearly portrays Michael as being prepared to fight various evil forces on behalf of the Jewish people. The reference to Michael within the Book of Jude is very brief and refers to an event in which Michael had at some point quarreled with the devil over the body of Moses. In Revelation, Michael is specifically mentioned one time only — presented as victorious over a brutal dragon during a war taking place in heaven.
These few verses portraying Michael as a powerful leader against malice have given countless people, both Jewish and Christian, reason to turn to this archangel for safeguard and protection. They call upon Michael during times of distress and trouble, especially when facing situations that feel evil.
The Archangel Michael has manifested himself to many over the centuries. Two locations honoring this heavenly general have become inspirational places of pilgrimage and prayer:
In the fifth century in Gargano, Italy, St. Michael appeared to a bishop in a cave investigating a mystical occurrence surrounding a wandering bull. St. Michael requested a chapel to be built within the cave; the chapel was indeed built, and the cave is now known as Monte Sant’Angelo.
In AD 708, Michael appeared to St. Aubert, who at that time was a bishop in France. Michael ordered Aubert to build a chapel on a nearby mountain. Over the years, a monastery and several other buildings were added to the site. This spot became known as Le Mont-Saint-Michel and is a favorite place of pilgrimage in France.
Discovering St. Michael the Archangel in the Bible
Sept. 29 honors all three archangels of the Bible — Saints Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel. St. Michal the Archangel is the patron saint of paratroopers, artists, and a holy death. The four passages below might help you to know and understand St. Michael better. Take notes each day — copy favorite verses, write down reflections, and see what inspirations flow from your heart through your pen during your five days with this warrior archangel!
- Day 1) Daniel 10:13
- Day 2) Daniel 10:21
- Day 3) Daniel 12:1
- Day 4) Jude 9
- Day 5) Revelation 12:7–9
- Keywords:
- archangels
- angels
- st. Michael the archangel