Socialists Sow the Seeds of Their Own Destruction

Atheism is the best argument against communism.

Sculptures of Karl Marx by the artist Ottmar Hörl stand in Trier, Germany
Sculptures of Karl Marx by the artist Ottmar Hörl stand in Trier, Germany (photo: nitpicker / Shutterstock)

‘Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.’ —Rita Mae Brown

The most humorous and telling lie that atheists disseminate about communism is that the reason it has literally never succeeded is because none of them can ever get it straight.

“Well, true communism has never been truly implemented,” they will say, pretending they know the true secret to successful communism. Putting aside the inherent and obvious logical fallacy known as the “No True Scotsman” fallacy, there is zero stitch of evidence that communism has ever succeeded anywhere, at any time. Here’s a list of their top 165 obvious failures. One wonders why atheists so doggedly resist the truth of that hot Marxist mess.

But presuming that all communist agitators are as smart and knowledgeable as they claim to be, why hasn’t communism ever worked? St. Jerome warns us that the wounds of others should serve as a warning to the rest of us. If people are dying horrible deaths and human rights are routinely trampled upon in the communist sphere, why would a sane, intelligent person insist on ignoring the proof? 

Why do those who know the least about economics, world history and human nature insist so angrily that they, and only they — despite the proof otherwise — are the sole prophets of a future, atheistic Golden Age?

Tired of the oft-heard claims of the success of Scandinavian socialism, Denmark’s former Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen had to release multiple statements over the years specifically denouncing their calumny. No, communism has never worked anywhere, especially not in Northern Europe. So sayeth the Dane.

And no, Sweden is also not a “socialist democratic” nation and neither is Finland. Norway is also not a socialist country. And, for the sake of intellectual thoroughness, Iceland is similarly not communist.

The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression (1997) edited by Stéphane Courtois, outlines the many horrific crimes of atheists who thought that communism was the cat’s pajamas. The book lists the deaths of 100 million people though, admittedly, the book has been criticized by most historians as being unfairly kind to communists. The true number of the dead at the hands of atheist communists is probably much higher, including the many Uyghurs who have died at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party over the past several years.

But let us address the 500-pound atheistic elephant in the room. Communism is a horrible idea because, as an atheistic idea, communism never stood a chance. The Scriptures are quite clear about the efficacy and wisdom of excluding God from one’s plans:

If the Lord does not build the house, the work of the builders is useless; if the Lord does not protect the city, it does no good for the sentries to stand guard (Psalm 127:1).

Atheism is the best argument against communism. If atheism hasn’t been able to create a single example of communist utopia sans the specter of religion — specifically Catholicism — it’s not because they haven’t had many opportunities to do so in the past nearly two centuries. What’s the holdup?

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