All That Matters: Sisters of Life Solemn Profession of Vows

A picture speaks a thousand words, when it comes to communicating a young woman’s exemplary love for Jesus present in the Eucharist.

Mother Mary Concepta, the new superior of the Sisters of Life, sits during the solemn vows of 10 new sisters’ professions.
Mother Mary Concepta, the new superior of the Sisters of Life, sits during the solemn vows of 10 new sisters’ professions. (photo: Jeffrey Bruno / National Catholic Register)

I just saw something.

Covering events like the solemn profession of the Sisters of Life, ordinations, Eucharistic pilgrimages, and all manner of sacraments is always entirely too much to process in the moment.

A new Sister of Life accepts the chalice during Holy Communion.
A new Sister of Life accepts the chalice during Holy Communion.

While worrying about getting a decent shot, which lens to use … and my aching back, so much passes that I don’t see at the time.

Until I look at the photographs.

The new sisters prostate themselves while professing their solemn vows.
The new sisters prostate themselves while professing their solemn vows.

As I sorted through the thousands of photos from Aug. 6’s solemn profession, one photograph stopped me in my tracks.

It stopped me because it was a moment that said it all.

It said, “Yes!”

It said, “I love You!”

It said, “I’m Yours, and You’re mine.”

It said it all.

It said what we should all say each time we receive Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. 

Pews are packed as 10 new Sisters of Life made their solemn vows.
Pews are packed as 10 new Sisters of Life made their solemn vows.

In my tiny, un-air-conditioned office, surrounded by piles of disheveled papers, I saw once again all that matters … all that ever mattered.

Love reflected.

Jesus Christ.

And a young woman, who’s His, and He that is hers, a young woman who lives this reality heart and soul — and leaves an example for us all.

Main caption information was updated after posting.