Steubenville Doesn’t Need a Merger — It Needs a Mission
The numbers may be daunting, but the mission remains unchanged: bring Jesus Christ to the people.

A press conference took place recently in Steubenville, Ohio — the seat of the diocese where I and about 28,000 other Catholics live and worship. It was called to announce the results of a self-study ordered by Bishop Edward Lohse of Kalamazoo, Michigan, whom the Holy See sent last June to oversee the Diocese of Steubenville as its apostolic administrator. In his report — presented in summary form — he identified what he judged to be the chief concerns facing the Church in Steubenville in the coming years.
But it wasn’t any of the usual concerns one might expect — especially given that, by many accounts, the Church in Steubenville is thriving. In fact, Bishop Lohse spoke quite glowingly of what he has seen.
“The faith in this diocese is strong,” he said. “It has a healthy presbyterate size, one of the best seminarian-to-faithful ratios in the country, a vibrant missionary spirit, and a balanced budget.”
So, what exactly was the point of the press conference? The point, it seems, was that there aren’t enough Catholics to remain truly viable over the long haul, and that we lack the resources on which our long-term survival depends. Not sacramental resources, mind you — we are not in the least bit strapped there. Indeed, the report had little if anything to say about doctrine, mission or the need to win a world for Christ. Instead, it emphasized demographic trends and financial sustainability.
“The most significant issue facing the Diocese of Steubenville in the next five to 10 years, and beyond,” he bluntly told us, “is the projected decrease in both the diocese’s general population and Catholic population, with no reversal of this trend in sight.”
This leaves us with only two options. We were told, in effect, that we either merge with a larger diocese — such as Columbus — or face eventual collapse. Given the current situation and undeniable indices of decline, the warning was clear: without action, we’re looking at eventual — perhaps even inevitable — collapse.
And knowing all that — knowing that extinction awaits us if we do nothing — “Is it not better,” he asked, “to merge now while the diocese is still viable, or to do so only after the diocese is no longer viable?”
While he agreed that neither option may look very appealing, sooner or later a decision will have to be made.
“Nobody wants to see a diocese merger. But the focus must be on what is in the best long-term interest of our people. What is in the best long-term interest of the promotion of the Gospel?”
I wasn’t present at the meeting, but in reading the diocesan newspaper’s account, that appeared to be the only reference to the word “Gospel” in the discussion.
But isn’t that the mission of the Catholic Church? Why else does the Church exist if not to bring Christ to the world? Has the Church been given any other mandate besides proclaiming his word in Scripture, celebrating it in sacrament, and ratifying its necessity in the office of the bishop whom Christ sent to us to teach, govern and sanctify?
Are we missing something here? Of all the issues we face, none is more pressing than this: how best to conform the world to Christ — not Christ to the world.
And since Christ cannot be reduced to a flow chart of statistics and budgets, we shouldn’t lose heart over what the numbers suggest about our future. Leave that to God — who, after all, has plenty of experience caring for lilies and sparrows. So long as we remain faithful to Christ and his Bride, he will not abandon Steubenville.
By the way, in that same issue of the paper with its front-page coverage of gloom and doom, I noticed on the very back page an entirely different story — that of 100 or more candidates and catechumens spread across the 13 counties of the diocese scheduled to enter the Catholic Church during the Easter Vigil. It’s a sign of the same steady growth we’ve seen in the Church since the time of Christ — who famously told us to fear not, for he has conquered the world.
No small irony there. The question for all of us — bishop and faithful alike — is whether we recognize that Steubenville needs only Christ, and a few good men to mediate his saving presence to the people of southeast Ohio.
- Keywords:
- steubenville
- diocese of steubenville