2020 March for Life Events and Activities for Catholics
The March for Life has many added opportunities for Catholics to engage in worship, prayer, and activism for the sanctity of human life.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – More than one hundred thousand people are expected to descend on Washington, D.C. for the March for Life, and many of them will be pro-life Catholics.
Here is a list of events for Catholics who want to round out their experience of Friday’s March for Life with opportunities to pray, worship and learn how to advance a culture of life in their own backyard.
Pro-Life Candle Light Prayer Vigil
Wednesday, Jan. 22, 7-8pm
Outside U.S. Supreme Court
This hourlong candlelight prayer commemorates the lives lost to abortion since the Jan. 22, 1973, Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions.
March for Life Conference
Thursday, Jan. 23, at 9am
Renaissance D.C. Downtown Hotel, Grand Ballroom
999 Ninth St. NW, Washington, D.C., 20001
9am keynote address by Erika Bachiochi, author and legal scholar at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, followed by a 10am panel discussion and 11am “Capitol Hill 101” training session. For more information, visit MarchforLife.org/conference.
March for Life Youth Rally
Thursday, Jan. 23, 2-4pm (doors open at 1:45pm)
Renaissance D.C. Downtown Hotel, Grand Ballroom
999 Ninth St. NW, Washington, D.C., 20001
For more information, visit: MarchforLife.org/youth-rally.
National Prayer Vigil for Life
Thursday, Jan. 23-Friday, Jan. 24
Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
400 Michigan Ave. NE, Washington, D.C., 20017
Jan. 23: 5:30pm vigil Mass; 8pm National Rosary for Life; 9pm Night Prayer (Byzantine Rite); Holy Hours for Life, from 11pm to Friday 6am.
Jan. 24: 6:30am Morning Prayer & Benediction; 7:30am closing Mass.
Confessions available Thursday, 10am-5pm; 8:30-10:30pm. For more details, visit: USCCB.org/about/pro-life-activities/january-roe-events/national-prayer-vigil-for-life-schedule.cfm.
‘Life Is Very Good’ Evening of Prayer and Morning Rally
Thursday, Jan. 23, and Friday, Jan. 24
EagleBank Arena on the campus of George Mason University
4500 Patriot Circle, Fairfax, VA 22030
The Thursday 7:30-9:45pm Evening of Prayer is with speakers Immaculée Ilibagiza and Paul George and music by ALOB. The Friday 9-11am morning Mass & rally will feature Paul George and ALOB. The event is sponsored by the Diocese of Arlington Office of Youth Ministry. For more information, visit: ArlingtonDiocese.org/youth-ministry/life-is-very-good/ .
Archdiocese of Washington Youth Rally and Mass for Life
Friday, Jan. 24, at 6:30pm
Capital One Arena
601 F St. NW
Washington, D.C., 20004
For more information, visit: YouthRallyandMassforLife.org.
Annual Ordinariate Mass Before the March
Friday, Jan. 24, at 10am
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church (not the basilica)
1315 Eighth St. NW, Washington, D.C., 20001
The March for Life Divine Worship Mass is Mass in the ordinariate form of the Roman Rite and sponsored by St. Luke’s Catholic Church, a parish of the Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter.
Annual Nellie Gray Mass (extraordinary form)
Friday, Jan. 24, at 3:30pm
St. Mary Mother of God Catholic Church
727 Fifth St. NW, Washington, D.C., 20001
The eighth-annual Nellie Gray Mass is offered in memory of the founder of the March for Life. It will be a solemn Mass in the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite.
Silent No More Awareness Campaign Testimonies
Friday, Jan. 24, 2:30-5:30pm
Outside the U.S. Supreme Court
The Silent No More Awareness Campaign has testimonies from mothers who regret their abortions, as well as stories from others who have also been impacted by abortion.
Cardinal O’Connor Conference on Life
Saturday, Jan. 25, 9:30am to 4:15pm
Georgetown University
Organized completely by students, the conference aims to give students, academics, clergy and all supporters a platform with the latest research, enabling them to be a powerful advocates for life. This year’s theme is “The Consistent Life Ethic and the Law: The Ethical Argument for Life” with Jonathan Reyes of the U.S. bishops’ conference as the keynote speaker. For more information, visit: OConnorConference.com.
The National Pro-Life Summit
Saturday, Jan. 25, 8am-7pm
Marriott Marquis
901 Massachusetts Ave. NW
Washington, D.C., 20001
Students for Life of America, Live Action, Alliance Defending Freedom and The Heritage Foundation have combined efforts for the first time to create a one-day training event for grassroots pro-life activists. More information is available at: ProLifeSummit.com.
Pro-Life Around the World: How Can I Help?
Jan. 25, 7-8:30pm
Renaissance D.C. Downtown Hotel
The lack of support for the international pro-life movement has left much of the world vulnerable to pro-abortion lobbies. This conference discusses how pro-life voices in the U.S. can help countries around the world to protect life. For more information, visit: EventBrite.co.uk/e/pro-life-around-the-world-how-can-i-help-tickets-85880700487.
- Keywords:
- march for life