Let Mother’s Day Be a Reminder of Divine Mercy

‘Mercy will always be greater than any sin, and no one can place limits on the love of God who is ever ready to forgive.’ (Misericordiae Vultus, 3)

Original painting of Divine Mercy, by Eugeniusz Kazimirowski in 1934
Original painting of Divine Mercy, by Eugeniusz Kazimirowski in 1934 (photo: Wikimedia Commons / Public Domain)

Mother’s Day can be hard for those of us who have experienced abortion.

I can remember cringing when the priest would ask for moms to stand up for a blessing and be acknowledged in church at Sunday Mass. Sure, I had living children, so I felt I had to stand, but I did not think I deserved the blessing and could not shake the feelings of guilt and despair when thinking of my son Joshua, whom I had aborted as a teen.

Our faith teaches that sin affects us all. Our behaviors are influenced by our experiences and there are consequences for our sins. The consequences of my sin, especially one as serious as abortion, touched countless numbers of people, and even society as a whole — only I did not realize it.

I remember one Mother’s Day when I walked around town for hours with my two young sons, unable to stop crying. At the time I had no idea that it was because of the empty space of my son through abortion. I was so unaware of the multiple ways my abortion had affected my life, but it had touched every aspect.

But it was not just my life that was affected, but the lives of all I touched. My family, who pressured me to abort. The poor choices I continued to make because of my self-hatred. Even my living sons, who lived with a mom unable to get to healing then.

But the story does not end there.

‘Behold, I Make All Things New’

Through the grace of the sacraments, growing knowledge of my faith, and finally, post-abortion healing, I was able to accept the forgiveness of our God of love and mercy who longed to bring me to himself and for my repentance and healing. I was able, through learning about the dynamics of abortion, to forgive myself, change behaviors and reconcile with others — especially my aborted son Joshua, who is “living in the Lord” (Evangelium Vitae, 99).

I am not going to tell you it was easy, but it was worth it for sure. The peace that only Christ can bring can fill your heart with gratitude and his love, and a spiritual relationship can grow with your child as you meet in prayer and the Holy Eucharist.

Abortion is a horrific sin, but we must never forget that God's mercy is greater than any sin if we are sorry, and he desires not our destruction but our reconciliation, with the knowledge that we will one day be together in eternity. So if you’ve experienced abortion, don’t despair when the priest asks you to stand for a Mother’s Day blessing, but embrace it in your heart with gratitude for God's mercy, knowing one day you will be with your child in heaven.