Does Communion Under One Kind Mean We Receive ‘Less’ of the Eucharist?
‘Since Christ is whole and entire in each of the Eucharistic species,’ says the Catechism, ‘anyone who has received either of the consecrated species has received Christ whole and entire.’

The manner of receiving Holy Communion has varied over the centuries, shaped by theological insights, practical considerations and pastoral needs. While some Catholics receive both the host and the chalice today, the longstanding practice in the Latin Rite has been reception under one kind, with both kinds being more common in the Eastern Churches.
This variation raises an important question: Is receiving only one or the other somehow incomplete?
Some Catholics wonder if they are missing out on the fullness of Holy Communion by receiving only the host. But the Church assures us that receiving Communion under one kind alone is a complete and valid reception of the Eucharist. By “concomitance,” the entire Christ is fully present, body, blood, soul and divinity under each species. Accordingly, receiving either fully conveys the grace of the sacrament.
In the first few centuries, the faithful commonly received both. We find in St. Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians that they would gather and consume under both species — his chief concern being their lack of discernment of the reality of the Eucharistic species.
But even in the early Church, there were instances where Communion was given under one kind for practical reasons.
In Chapter 66 of his “Apology,” St. Justin Martyr (A.D. 100-165) describes the practice of distributing the Eucharist and the significant role of the sacrament in the life of the Church, emphasizing its importance regardless of the form in which it was received. And in his 63rd Epistle, St. Cyprian of Carthage (A.D. 200-258) addresses issues related to the administration of the Eucharist, affirming that the sacrament’s grace was still fully present in either form.
We also read in the stories of early saints and martyrs that Communion was often distributed under one kind. St. Tarcisius was a third-century altar boy who was entrusted to bring Communion to those who could not attend Mass, and did so secretly to avoid persecution. When attacked and killed by a group of boys, they tried but failed to remove the small sack of consecrated hosts from his arms. Only later was a priest able to recover the hosts.
While the practice of Communion under both kinds has become more common in recent decades, many dioceses have maintained Communion under one kind following pandemic-related restrictions. This practice aligns with the Church’s consistent teaching that the Eucharist is complete and efficacious whether received under both kinds or one. The Catechism of the Catholic Church affirms this: “Since Christ is whole and entire in each of the Eucharistic species, anyone who has received either of the consecrated species has received Christ whole and entire” (1390).
Regardless of future decisions regarding the chalice, doctrine, history and liturgical practices affirm that the Eucharist is whole and efficacious whether received under both kinds or one. As the Church navigates contemporary challenges, this truth ensures that the sacrament remains a source of grace and unity for the faithful. And so long as we discern the Body and Blood and receive in the state of grace, we are nourished by the full grace of the Holy Eucharist.