Latin Mass Video Guide

The Mass is celebrated in Latin at St. Patrick Catholic Church in New Orleans in September 2007, on the day expanded use of the Latin Mass as authorized by Pope Benedict XVI went in to effect.
The Mass is celebrated in Latin at St. Patrick Catholic Church in New Orleans in September 2007, on the day expanded use of the Latin Mass as authorized by Pope Benedict XVI went in to effect. (photo: CNS)

The Rorate Caeli blog reported on Monday that the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei has released a video guide about celebrating the Mass in Latin in the Extraordinary Form.

According to Rorate Caeli:

The guide is a 2-DVD production, with subtitles in English, French, Italian, and Spanish. The first DVD includes a full Missa Recitata, and some video excerpts of Missae Cantatae. The second DVD includes a proper teaching video, with explanations for the gestures and rubrics of the Mass, from the preparatio ad Missam to the post-Mass sacristy prayers.

At this moment, copies may be acquired directly from the PCED:

Pontificia Commissione Ecclesia Dei - Palazzo della Congregazione per la Dottrina della Fede
Piazza del Sant’Uffizio, 11 - 00193 ROMA -
Tel. (Italy:39) 06/69885213 - 69885494 - Fax 69883412

Other means of distribution will be available shortly.