A Family’s Plea: Prayers Needed for Son Fighting for Life After Medical Crisis
The family is asking for prayers while the community came together for all-night adoration. Join thousands praying for a miracle for young Joe Shircliff.

Editor's Note: The Shircliff family announced Saturday, Jan. 18, that their beloved 8-year old son, Joe, has passed away. Please continue to keep their dear child and the entire Shircliff family in your prayers.
One family in Northern Virginia is asking Catholic faithful across the country to pray for their young son, Joe, who is currently in critical condition after a routine tonsillectomy.
"We are in the midst of every parent’s worst nightmare and need your prayers and support,” the Shircliff family shared on their GoFundMe page.
“Joe had a tonsillectomy on Monday, Jan. 13, and while everything initially seemed fine, he began experiencing complications on Wednesday morning that sent us back to the ER by ambulance.”
The family was hopeful when 8-year-old Joe was able to return home, but the situation became dire once again.

“Later that night, after returning home and thinking the worst was behind us, Joe suffered a second post-tonsillectomy hemorrhage and went into cardiac arrest in the ambulance. For over 30 minutes, he had no pulse. The incredible medical team managed to resuscitate him, and he was rushed into surgery, where they were able to stop the bleeding. Joe required over 10 units of blood— about 70% of his total blood volume — to stabilize him.”
Joe was transported to VCU Children’s Hospital in Richmond and is currently in critical condition in the ICU. After experiencing terrible trauma, he is stable, but is struggling with some organ function, including his liver and kidneys. “The massive transfusion has brought its own complications, leaving his overall blood health very low,” the family’s statement explained.
“The hardest reality we’re facing is the possibility of significant brain damage due to the prolonged time without a pulse. We are praying for multiple miracles — for his brain, liver, kidneys, blood, and total healing.”

Medical staff have been providing Joe round-the-clock medical care, and they can tell this boy is a fighter.
“The nurses keep reminding us what we already know: Joe is a fighter. Right now, we need all hands on deck, storming heaven with prayers for our strong boy.”

Catholics from all over Virginia and the Washington, D.C., area came together to pray for young Joe Shircliff Friday night. The evening included adoration, praying the Rosary, Benediction and all-night adoration, as hundreds keep vigil in the hopes that Joe will be healed.
Register contributor Carrie Gress, Catholic mother and author behind Theology of Home, knows the family well, including the grandmother. In a statement, Gress shared about this critical moment watching so many lift Joe up in prayer.
“It has just been remarkable to see how this community has come together to support Joe and his family. I know his school and all of the adjacent Catholic schools as well as neighboring parishes have all been deeply involved in praying for them. I’ve also been amazed by the outpouring from around the country and beyond. So many people are praying for this special little boy.”
Scott Vezina, a close family friend of the Shircliffs has known parents Rob and Erin since 2012, telling the Register:
“We were volunteers in a youth-ministry program at St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Church. Rob and Erin were engaged at the time. In 2017, we formed a group of seven families to become one big ‘Cana Family’ as an intentional Christian community to love each other, support each other, and encourage each other. Rob and Erin are like a brother and sister to us, and Nate, Joe, Coco and Gemma are extensions to our own children.”
Nate, 11, is the older brother to Joe, they have two other younger sisters. Coco is 4, and young Gemma is just 1. The entire family, including siblings, are grateful for the prayers.

After a meeting with the medical team on Friday, the Shircliff family shared that “all signs are pointing to brain death.” With more testing to do before that decision is reached, the family continues to ask Catholics to storm heaven for their little boy.
“We are still praying with every ounce of our being for a miracle. Joe is so deeply loved, and we are desperate for him to come back to us. Please continue to pray.”
And the worst news came Saturday afternoon after the final testing on their son. Joe's father, Rob, confirmed the devastating news:
"It is with heavy hearts that we share both tests have confirmed Joe’s brain death. We have not made any plans yet and are taking the next few hours to be with Joe, holding him close and cherishing this time as a family. Any decisions we make will be made carefully, with the guidance of our medical team, our family, and our priest. There are many factors that will impact these decisions as Joe’s overall bodily functions continue to decline."
However the faithful Catholic father says urgent prayers are still needed as thousands are hoping for a miracle.
"We deeply appreciate your love, prayers, and messages of support—they mean so much to us. However, we kindly ask that you refrain from sharing medical opinions or personal experiences at this time. Thank you for standing with us during this unimaginable time. Please continue to keep Joe and our family in your prayers."
Joe’s school in Fredericksburg, Virginia, is also requesting prayers for his extremely serious condition. In a social-media post on St. Patrick Catholic School’s Facebook page, the school administrators referenced the intercession of Servant of God Michelle Duppong, a former FOCUS missionary whose canononization cause is underway.
Please pray for our student Joseph Shircliff and invoke the prayers of servant of God Michelle Duppong by praying the prayer below for his healing:
Jesus, I praise and thank You
for the life of Your servant
Michelle Duppong. In her life and
suffering, she joined You in Your thirst
for souls and embraced
the cross offered to her.
Following her example, I ask for the special grace of the healing of Joseph Shircliff and, if it brings You greater glory, that she be honored by Your Church.
Jesus, I ask this in Your Holy Name.
The outpouring of support was on display overnight as hundreds came together to pray for the entire family, especially dear Joe, as Vezina related to the Register:
“The prayer vigil last night at St. Mary’s was coordinated by the Shircliffs’ Cana Family and allowed more time to get the word out. The church was full with people standing in the back, including the preists from St. Patrick’s,” Vezina said, adding, “God calls us to be faithful and to trust in his divine Province, and that is what we are doing.”
Hundreds also took part virually, as the prayer event was livestreamed.
The Shircliff family is living out one of the greatest fears all parents have, but their faith is strong amid this terrible tragedy; they cling to hope. As Vezina explained to the Register:
“Parents are supposed to protect their children from all harm. Every parent’s worse nightmare is to have that ability taken away. The Shircliffs are one of the most faithful and strongest people that I know. They feel the prayers, comfort, and love of everyone around them. Today could potentially be the hardest day of their life. Right now, the best way to help is to pray. Go to adoration; say a Rosary. Pray for the intercession of Servant of God Michelle Duppong, whose relic is sitting with Joe as we speak. Pray for Joe’s healing, but also pray that if God chooses to call Joe home, that he grant the family the grace and understanding to accept that decision.”
For readers who would like to support the Shircliffs during this difficult time, visit the GoFundMe page. Medical expenses, counseling, meals and time off of work are all heavy weights the family is feeling on top of the hardest weight of all, their dear son’s fragile state.
Servant of God Michelle Duppong, pray for Joe and the Shircliff family!
- Keywords:
- medical care
- answered prayers