Is the Pro-Life Movement Racist?
The pro-life movement is the natural born enemy of white nationalism.

Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe’s Twitter feed is a relentless parade of unintentional comedy but recently he stepped up his game and performed one of the most cringetastic internet face plants since the grape crushing lady fell out of her barrel. Impressed but not deterred, the Washington Post said, “hold my beer.”
For the past year, the hippest trend among the self declared elites has been accusing everyone on the right to be in league with Russia. Please recall CNN chasing a poor elderly woman around her front lawn because she ran a tiny Pro-Trump Facebook site that was trolled by some random Russian company. But unfortunately for them, all that came crashing down when Robert Mueller testified in front of Congress that he couldn't remember his name or if he was wearing pants, and mumbling erratically about where he should put his urine sample which was currently in his Dragnet lunchbox. This four-hour-long nationally-televised spectacle sent D.C. scrambling for the exits in search of other random baseless accusations to hurl at their political opponents.
And out of the leftist imaginatorium emerged the latest strategy of accusing everyone to the right of Kamala Harris of being a white nationalist. To listen to the media, you'd think that the totality of the 21st-century human experience was colluding with Russians or plotting with Nazis.
Understandably excited by this development, Harvard law prof Tribe got a bit out in front of it and tweeted out his belief in a link between white supremacists and the pro-life movement.
White Supremacists oppose abortion because they fear it’ll reduce the number of white infants and thus contribute to what they fear as non-white “replacement.” Never underestimate the way these issues and agendas are linked. This turns “intersectionality” on its head.
— Laurence Tribe (@tribelaw) August 11, 2019
I guess we were all supposed to pretend that Planned Parenthood wasn’t founded by straight-up racist Margaret Sanger. And we were supposed to pretend to forget that African American women accounted for 36% of abortions, despite being only about 13% of the population.
So when pro-lifers rightly responded online by mocking, ridiculing, and laughing at this desperate attempt to link them with white nationalists, a red-faced Tribe attempted to walk back his baseless accusation by insisting he didn't exactly mean that every single pro-lifer was a Nazi flag-waving white nationalist in disguise; he was just saying that pro-lifers and Nazis were working together with the same goals. Sometimes. And he pretended to be hurt that he was misunderstood.
Pro-lifers didn’t respond by boycotting, lighting Smart Cars on fire, or wearing masks and hitting college professors with bike locks. Instead, they just rolled their eyes. Just when it seemed that Tribe’s tweet would simply be deposited down the memory hole of laughable Twitter accusations, the Washington Post took that tweet, resurrected it using a dangerous mixture of hubris and stupidity, and set it out loose in the world to create havoc and mayhem. This is truly the kind of piece that makes reality cry and truth question its own existence.
The result is an epic of misinformation titled, “How white nationalists aligned themselves with the antiabortion movement” that uses as its main evidence that conservative writer J.D. Vance, who spoke about his racisty racist concerns that not enough white Americans were having kids. The only problem was that he didn’t say anything like that. Not even close. In fact, if you go to read it now at their own site, there’s this rather glaring correction right at the top that states, “An earlier version of this story suggested that the author J.D. Vance lamented a falloff in white births; he was actually talking about American births.”
Soooooo, pretty much the hook for the entire piece was completely fabricated. The piece at the WaPo essentially argues that white nationalists are working with the pro-life community while attempting to limit the number of immigrants coming into this country because they’re only pretending to align themselves with people who are trying to save millions of black and Hispanic babies while working double duty on the border because they secretly hate black and brown babies who they’re only pretending to save. You got that? Well, neither do I. It reads as if the writer Marissa Brostoff learned to build a convincing case by watching 3 a.m. reruns of Law and Order: BS.
Here’s the truth. The pro-life movement is the natural born enemy of white nationalism. Their aims are antithetical. One is born of love, the other of hate. Literally the only thing they have in common is that the media describes both as being “anti” something (women or immigrant).
Interestingly, if you really wanted to link abortion with racism, not too long ago there was a certain Supreme Court justice who said of Roe v. Wade: “Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of.” But that shiny bauble of eugenic wisdom was dropped by leftist icon Ruth Vader Ginsburg so therefore doesn't serve the media's agenda. The media never did get around to asking her exactly which populations in particular she didn’t want too many of. One might assume she didn’t mean wine-sipping Washingtonians.
So consider me a skeptic on this pro-life/white nationalist cabal. But that’s only because I know the media has been lying to us for years about anyone who stands in the way of their utopian death cult. The media largely treats the right as if it existed only to make pleasing grunting sounds when kicked by their leftist overlords. If we’re looking for a moral of the story, maybe it's just that wishes aren't reality, even when you publish them. Or maybe it’s that these people really hate you — they really, really hate you.
- Keywords:
- laurence tribe
- pro-life movement
- racism