Halloween Is a Holy Evening for Holy People

Far from a mere festivity, Halloween calls us to look beyond this world to the eternal one, uniting ourselves in prayer with the holy souls who have gone before us.

Candles lit amid celebrations of St. Kateri Tekakwitha’s holiness by the Catholic faithful Oct. 21, 2012, at St. Francis Xavier Church in Kahnawake, Quebec, Canada, the day of St. Kateri’s canonization in St. Peter’s Square.
Candles lit amid celebrations of St. Kateri Tekakwitha’s holiness by the Catholic faithful Oct. 21, 2012, at St. Francis Xavier Church in Kahnawake, Quebec, Canada, the day of St. Kateri’s canonization in St. Peter’s Square. (photo: ROGERIO BARBOSA / AFP via Getty Images)

Every October, Halloween brings about a renewed infatuation with all things spooky, with the popular imagination being inundated with horror and the undead. 

However, it is important to remember that rather than being a pagan celebration or another excuse for commercial and cultural decadence, Halloween is first and foremost a Catholic vigil and holiday. 

Together with All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day, Halloween was traditionally a part of a “Triduum of Death,” when the Church would call the faithful to ponder the last things. 

Looking at the liturgical and devotional practices associated with All Hallows’ Eve, we can better unite ourselves to the intentions of the Church and pray with the saints in heaven and the holy souls in purgatory. 

1. The Color Purple: Penance and Divine Longing 

While many decorations and festivities surrounding Halloween use the color purple for its supposed link to magic and mystery, the Mass for All Hallows’ Eve would traditionally use purple vestments. Purple is seen as a penitential color, but it is also associated with preparation for the coming of the Messiah. This eschatological longing that looks forward to the second coming of Christ puts Halloween and the entire three days in perspective as ultimately a great act of hope that we here on earth and the souls of the departed may one day join the saints in our heavenly homeland. 

2. Praying the Office for the Dead 

In many cultures, the fall season has traditionally been a time for remembering the dead, a phenomenon largely inspired by the Catholic practice of praying for those who have died. We can join in interceding for those who have passed away by praying the Office for the Dead, a cycle of prayers from the Divine Office, allowing us to keep our departed loved ones in our intentions. 

3. Contemplating the Beatitudes

In the early morning office of Matins, one of the parts of Scripture that is chanted are the beatitudes as they appear in the Gospel of Luke. The beatitudes, taught by Jesus Christ to his disciples, offer the path to sainthood by instructing us on the cardinal virtues.

In the words of St. Ambrose, whose commentary on Luke is recited during Matins, these virtues of temperance, righteousness, prudence and fortitude teach us to not be distracted by the things of this world but instead to keep focused on heaven, the ultimate reward that we work toward.

4. Looking Toward Heaven With the Book of Revelation

The readings for the Mass for All Hallows’ Eve traditionally include an excerpt from the Book of Revelation, which recounts a vision of the Lamb of God in heaven. The vivid portrayal of the choirs of angels praising the wounded Lamb with harp, chant and incense shows the majesty of our heavenly homeland.

This excerpt also points toward the importance of the prayers of the saints, whose intercession can always be counted on, especially on a day like Halloween.

While there is nothing wrong with trick-or-treating and costume parties, we should be mindful of the special opportunity of Halloween to unite ourselves with the faithful in heaven and purgatory. It reminds us that there truly is something beyond our physical reality, which transcends the materialistic world into the realm of the spiritual, all working in praise of the Lord. Let us always avail ourselves to the saints and also keep those who have fallen asleep in Christ in our prayers.

Nicholas Scotchie is a graduate economics student from New York City. He aspires to preach the love of God that is at the heart of the Church’s theological and liturgical traditions.