Watch on EWTN: ‘Fearfully and Wonderfully Made’
Airing just ahead of the March for Life, the film focuses on preserving human dignity in a throwaway culture.

“I can’t imagine my world without my brother. My positivity, almost everything that I am, I owe to the experiences that I had growing up with him. It’s crazy for me to think that someone like my brother wouldn’t be given a fighting chance. I can’t imagine not being here or my brother not being here because some medical professional suggested otherwise.”
Meet Chad. He and his brother were diagnosed with disabilities and doctors suggested their parents terminate both unborn children. The boys are now in their 40s. Though they have special needs today, they’re defying odds and making a difference.
Award-winning Canadian filmmaker Kevin Dunn tells Chad’s story and others in Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, airing at 10 p.m. ET, Sunday, Jan. 19, on EWTN. Watch live on your local EWTN channel, and stream live at or free on the EWTN mobile app.
Dunn, who is known to the EWTN Family for producing Vulnerable: The Euthanasia Deception, Roe Canada: The True North in a Post-Roe World, and hosting EWTN’s live coverage of Canada’s national March for Life, challenges viewers once again to consider the devastating effects of devaluing life, as is the case in a “throwaway culture.” In a society that values convenience, aesthetic and social influence, those who don’t fit the mold are marginalized and, in the worst cases, killed by abortion or euthanasia.
In Fearfully and Wonderfully Made, Dunn highlights the stories of real people who embody human dignity and work to defend it, such as Chad and his brother; Ruth, a young mom who faced an unplanned pregnancy and chose life; Carol, who runs a pregnancy center in Ontario; and Sister of Life Antoniana, whose mission is to celebrate the sanctity of life and support mothers in difficult situations.
These are the stories the world needs to hear as we remind society that human life is precious and worth defending. In Chad’s case, doctors were quick to suggest his parents “terminate,” and thank God they didn’t listen!
Ruth initially felt she had no other option than abortion, but the support she is receiving from her boyfriend and a local pregnancy center proved otherwise.
Carol’s work at the pregnancy center not only helps women choose life for their children, but also provides healing support for the many women who regret abortions.
And Sister Antoniana tells a story of a college student who was pregnant and facing pressure to abort her child. Sister sat with the young lady as she shared her fears, one by one. Because of the Sisters of Life’s support, the student canceled her abortion appointment — and gave birth eight months later, and Sister Antoniana got to hold that precious baby!
It doesn’t end there. Dunn reminds viewers of the importance of sharing their own stories:
“We need to transform our culture too with our individual witness, using our gifts and unique perspectives to affirm life. It’s not always easy, and we’ll probably have an even harder time of it here in Canada than in the U.S. I hope, however, that these stories [renew] your fervor to enter into or persevere in the pro-life movement, in the pastoral field, which we learned so much about today, or in the educational or political field. We need you.”
Continue tuning in this week and next for EWTN’s live coverage of national pro-life marches and more special programming. See EWTN’s full program schedule in your local time at
This feature originally appeared in the “EWTN Wings” weekly programming email on Thursday, Jan. 16, 2025. To have info about EWTN shows and specials sent directly to your inbox, sign up at