If You Want to Know St. Joseph Better, This is a Must-See Show
Saint Joseph airs 5:30 p.m. ET, Monday-Friday, March 15-19 (except for Tuesday, March 16, which airs at 5 p.m. ET).

When we first meet Joseph in the Gospel of St. Matthew, he is only Joseph of Nazareth, a carpenter. Though he is son of Jacob, of the line of David, little remains of the Davidic line’s glorious, royal past. In many ways, then, Joseph’s life is one of obscurity. The Gospels record no spoken words. He disappears after the Finding of Jesus in the Temple. There is no backstory to how he came to be betrothed to Mary.
Simply put, Joseph lived in the shadows.
And yet, because of this humility, Saint Joseph is one of the most beloved of the Communion of Saints. His feast day is widely celebrated in Italian culture; Pope Benedict XVI added his name to the canon recited at each Mass; and now the Year of Saint Joseph is upon us, a quietly brilliant move by Pope Francis to reintroduce Joseph to a culture largely uninvolved in the treasure trove of grace offered by this earthly father of Jesus.
But how well do we really know Saint Joseph? How often do we go to him in prayer, intercession, and reflection? Are we truly aware of the great spiritual importance placed on him by the Church?
A new series, produced by EWTN in partnership with the Global Institute of Church Management (GICM), offers viewers a unique opportunity to reflect on the many aspects of Saint Joseph’s character. Entitled, simply, Saint Joseph, the five part mini-series begins airing March 15 and concludes on March 19, the Feast of Saint Joseph. With introductions by Dr. Pia de Solenni, President and Executive Director of GICM, each episode features an internationally respected prelate going further into the virtues of Saint Joseph.
Father Cristian Mendoza, professor at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, reflects on Joseph’s faithful and trustworthy role as husband of Mary. Father Guy Noël Kouankam Tchapda, doctoral candidate in canon law at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, explores Joseph as father of Jesus. In the third episode of the series, Father E. Scott Borgman, judicial vicar for the Diocese of Orange (California), offers deep insights into the great role of “Saint Joseph the Humble.” Father Robert Gahl, vice chair of the Program of Church Management, takes viewers deeper into the theological and cultural role of the Temple in the time of Joseph. Finally, on March 19, Cardinal Peter Turkson concludes the mini-series when he discusses “Saint Joseph the Steward.”
In this Year of Saint Joseph, during the week in which the Church celebrates the Solemnity of Saint Joseph, these meditations supplement the Lenten journey by contemplating, on a deeper, reflective level, the role of Saint Joseph in our own lives.
Saint Joseph started out in the shadows, a carpenter in Nazareth. Now, like his spouse, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph has earned many titles over the centuries. In addition to patron of the Universal Church, he is known as patron of workers, Guardian of the Redeemer, and patron for a happy death. He is there for us at all times of our life, if we but call out to him in the shadows.
Saint Joseph airs 5:30 p.m. ET, Monday-Friday, March 15-19 (except for Tuesday, March 16, which airs at 5 p.m. ET).
- Keywords:
- st. joseph
- ewtn