5 Things Every Catholic Family Needs to Survive Sickness

Practical and prayerful trips to see you through.

Sick? Practical and prayerful trips to see you through.
Sick? Practical and prayerful trips to see you through. (photo: Unsplash)

You’ve likely heard the news that a new strain of norovirus is sweeping the country. Can stomach bugs be an occasion for holiness? Allow me to propose a new way of thinking that could change the way you view the yuckiest of viruses.

Dave and I are at the stage in parenthood where every social gathering we attend is followed by a cold, flu or the dreaded stomach bug. Recently, while enduring a violent illness ripping through my family (probably norovirus, but I’ll spare you the details!), I had a revelation about what every family needs to prepare for such a scenario:

A stocked medicine cabinet: Whatever your choice remedies may be, ensure you have enough in stock now. There’s nothing worse than needing something in the middle of the night and not being able to get it! Include options for hydration, symptom relief, thermometers (plus covers and batteries too!), and dispenser cups or syringes as needed. Added bonus: Plan ahead and you can get these items on sale or with coupons.

Food options on hand: Whether it’s dry pantry goods or a couple kid-friendly meals in the freezer, having these ready will save time and stress when you, the parent, inevitably come down with the illness too. I’ve recognized that our kids usually don’t want to eat much when they’re sick (which often is for the better, if you know what I mean), so having dry foods ready gives them a chance to pick what sounds good. Added bonus: If these “sick snacks” are foods your kids don’t get often, or if they don’t usually get breakfast served in bed, the novelty can be a morale booster too!

A plan: Who is going to stay up with the kids when they’re sick? Who is on laundry duty? In which room will the sick kids quarantine? Clarifying expectations ahead of time provides a great deal of peace when “everything is hitting the fan” and helps the kids understand how things will happen when they’re unwell. For example, our kids know when they’re sick they’re not allowed in the playroom with cream-colored carpet. Added bonus: Teamwork will make you feel even more blessed to have your spouse with you in the sick trenches!

The grace to look to God: In The Prayer Book for Tired Parents, Dave and I highlight how every moment of our day can be, should be, an opportunity to grow in holiness, and illnesses are no exception. When you’re tending to your sick children or sick spouse, you can unite your suffering to Jesus’ on the cross; you can pray a Hail Mary with every mess you clean; and pray often, “Jesus, I offer this suffering for love of You, with sorrow for my sins, for salvation for my family.” Don’t forget to thank God when your family recovers. These are the extraordinarily ordinary moments of parenting that propel us to sanctity. Added bonus: If you have to miss Mass (please don’t go to Mass if you are contagious!), tune in to EWTN’s daily Mass, live at 8 a.m. ET and pray an Act of Spiritual Communion.

Good humor: Let’s face it. When everyone is sick and patience is dwindling, you can either laugh or cry, and I personally choose the former! I pray that, while you’re dealing with the most unpleasant of communicable illnesses, God would grant you the grace to find some humor. Added bonus: There’s a prayer for having a sense of humor — often attributed to St. Thomas More — that is a favorite of Pope Francis: “Lord, give me a sense of humor. Grant me the grace to understand a joke, to discover in life a bit of joy, and to be able to share it with others.”

Take care!


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