Catholic Singer Dana Scallon to Receive Highest Honor Vatican Bestows on a Layperson

Watch live online as Scallon is named a dame of the Equestrian Order of St. Gregory the Great, established in 1831, by Pope Gregory XVI.

Dana Scallon will be honored by the Vatican today.
Dana Scallon will be honored by the Vatican today. (photo: Courtesy of

Irish singer Dana Scallon will receive an honor for laity in the Church today.

Scallon has appeared regularly on EWTN. At World Youth Day 1993, she wrote and sang the theme song, We Are One Body, for Pope St. John Paul II. Today, Dana, as she is known worldwide, continues to sing and speak at events, affirming Catholics in their faith.

Scallon will be named a dame of the Equestrian Order of St. Gregory the Great, established in 1831, by Pope Gregory XVI. 

This is the highest honor bestowed on a layperson. 

The honor comes directly from Pope Francis and is given for what an individual has done in service to the Catholic Church. 

Other recipients of this honor who are well known to Register readers are Alice von Hildebrand and Francis X. Maier.

The investiture ceremony for Scallon will be held today in the Diocese of Galway at the Church of the Assumption and St. James.

Watch the livestream link for the ceremony at 2:30 p.m. ET.

Scallon will reflect on this honor post-ceremony for Register readers.