Join Bishop Barron’s Challenge Campaign: 50,000 Rosaries in May

Word on Fire and Hallow team up to encourage Catholics around the world to pray the Rosary

‘Our Lady of the Rosary’
‘Our Lady of the Rosary’ (photo: Immaculate / Shutterstock)

May being the month of the Blessed Virgin Mary bring thoughts of honoring her and of the power of her most Holy Rosary. Putting both together, Word on Fire and Hallow have teamed up for a great campaign to pray fallen-away Catholics back to the Church this month.

“Last May, we had a special offer or challenge at Word on Fire to get people to pray 10,000 Rosaries, and we thought that was a pretty ambitious goal,” Bishop Robert Barron, founder of Word on Fire and Bishop of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota, says in a short video message. “In 48 hours, we reached that goal. We eventually had 64,000 or 65,000 Rosaries prayed.”

“This year, we want to go even bigger,” he says. That was enough to set this May’s goal five times higher.

Word on Fire is asking people around the world to join in the effort to pray 50,000 Rosaries “for the intention that those who have fallen away from their faith may return to the Catholic Church with a renewed understanding of God’s love and mercy.”

This campaign is meant to honor Mary in a special way this month and at the same time bring the children in the Church family back to the fold of her Son.

Those who will join the campaign and pray a Rosary for this intention should go to the Word on Fire website to log the Rosary along with their location, and that will become part of the world map and counter that displays how many Rosaries have been prayed so far.

As of May 8, countries all over the world are represented and nearly 25,000 Rosaries were prayed to that date.

“We're starting with a first goal of 50,000, but our hope is to get to 100,000 Rosaries,” Bishop Barron says. “It is truly inspiring to look at the map on our website and see it covered in red dots and to know that each dot represents at least one Rosary that was prayed for the ‘lost sheep’ to return to the shepherd.”

People can even pray along with him and also with The Chosen’s Jonathan Roumie and other prayer guides on the Hallow app.

Everyone is urged to visit Word on Fire’s website to log the Rosary and their location to populate the world map and the counter displays how many Rosaries have been prayed so far.

In an earlier release, Bishop Barron also says, “Praying a Rosary is just the beginning.” He is “hopeful that this campaign will inspire people to reach out personally to people they know who have fallen away and at least start a conversation or invite them back to Mass. We are all called to participate in the vital work of evangelization, and if we ground ourselves in prayer and are attentive to the Holy Spirit, our efforts can bear great fruit.”

“So let's do it. Let's pray up a storm this year,” Bishop Barron urges in his video. “I would love to see us get to 100,000 Rosaries prayed this month.”

By every indication so far, it should reach that double number considering the flying start and the phenomenal results last year’s campaign tallied.

Bishop Barron adds, “The Lord asks us, invites us to pray. Ask, seek, knock, and it will be open to you. So during this month of May, let's really make an effort to pray the Rosary all over the world.”

Visit to log a Rosary and see the progress toward the 50,000 Rosaries goal. Visit to pray a Rosary along with Bishop Barron on the Hallow app.