5 Things to Know About St. José Luis Sánchez del Río
His last meal was Holy Communion.

I spend a lot of time with Catholic teens. I am a mother to several and often give rides to their classmates from school to rehearsals and practices. I spend one day a week working as a substitute teacher in a middle school and high school. I often witness a pew full of teens attending the daily Mass before their school day begins.
It is hard to be a Catholic teen in our increasingly secularized society, but it is beautiful to see these teens striving to live their faith. One thing Catholic teens have going for them is the increasing number of canonized teen saints that the Church is holding up as examples for them. With the upcoming canonization of Blessed Carlo Acutis on the weekend of the Jubilee of Teenagers in Rome, we can turn our attention to other newly canonized teens as well.
Several teens I know are being confirmed this coming weekend, and I asked them about who they were choosing for their confirmation saints. They talked about how they were drawn to saints whose lives were relatable.
One such relatable saint is St. José Luis Sánchez del Río, who stood up in the face of injustice and persecution of the Catholic faith by his government. St. José was born on March 28, 1913, in Sahuayo, Mexico and was canonized for his courage to die for his faith when he was tortured and martyred on Feb. 10, 1928.
I recently read a biography for young people by Kevin McKenzie called Saint José: Boy Cristero Martyr, which highlights the beautiful faith life of this young teen. The following are five things to know about him, based on the book.
1) He fought for religious freedom.
St. José was living in a tumultuous time in Mexico, with the 1917 Constitution being instituted after years of revolution. Several of the articles of this constitution directly targeted the Church and religious freedom. On July 31, 1926, Mexican President Plutarco Elías Calles enacted what are called the Calles Law, which strictly enforced the constitution. Priests and religious were severely restricted in their activities. Religious education was prohibited. Worship was only allowed in churches, which all became property of the state. And states could determine for themselves how many priests were allowed to minister in their territory. José witnessed the results of these laws firsthand, as his own parish church was taken over by the government. Shortly after these persecutions began, a group of citizens formed an army to protest the enforcement of these laws. They became known as the Cristeros, as their motto was “Viva Christo Rey!” — “Long Live Christ the King!”
2) He left home with his parents’ support.
St. José came from a family that was strongly devoted to their Catholicism. His home life was warm and inviting, and his parents cared deeply about the salvation of their children’s souls. His uncle was a priest. His aunt and mother supported the Cristeros army with food. His two older brothers joined the army early on. They all believed that the Church should have freedom to worship, and educate people in the faith, and religious should be allowed to go about publicly without fear of death. When José asked his parents for permission to join the Cristeros, they gave him their support, even though he was only 14.
3) He participated in the rebellion as a flagbearer and bugler.
According to the biography by McKenzie, the Cristeros accepted José into their army despite his young age because of his ability to play a bugle. They also had him as a flagbearer for Gen. Luis Guizar Morfin. With the Cristeros, he attended daily Mass and prayed the Rosary. He participated in three battles and skirmishes and was captured on Feb. 5, 1928, after giving up his horse to the general. He saw the general’s freedom and survival as more important than his own. After he was taken prisoner, he was eventually transported to his own parish church in Sahuayo.
4) His last meal was Holy Communion.
St. José was shocked to discovery his parish church was being used to stable animals and prisoners. At one point during his imprisonment, he has his own “cleansing of the temple,” stopping roosters from standing on and around the tabernacle and the altar. Despite pressure from the local authorities to renounce his army and Christ and join a military academy, José persevered in his constancy to his faith. He knew it would likely end in his death, and he sought the courage to face it. His aunt was allowed to bring him food, and through her, he requested that his last meal before his execution be the Eucharist. Strengthened by the Bread of Heaven, he was ready to face his death.
5) He walked his own way of the cross.
St. José was given multiple opportunities to renounce his faith, but he never gave in. He did not lose heart even when the bottoms of his feet were skinned, and he was forced to walk on them through the dusty streets of his town to the cemetery. The whole way there he cried out, “Viva Cristo Rey!” leaving bloody footprints behind him. After being forced to dig his own grave, he was knocked to his knees; and with his own blood, he drew a cross on the ground. When the executioner asked him for a last message for his father, José said, “We’ll see each other in heaven.” His holy death encouraged people to practice their faith, despite the risks. St. José was beatified in a Mexican soccer stadium on Nov. 20, 2005, and canonized on Oct. 16, 2016, by Pope Francis in Rome.
Cardinal José Saraiva Martins preached in his homily at the martyr’s beatification Mass that everyone, including teens, can “give witness to Christ” in their day-to-day life. The cardinal spoke of how teens today are surrounded by an “environment of indifference to transcendental values and of materialism and hedonism that attempt to suffocate our consciences” (p. 176, trans. by Kevin McKenzie).
May reading the lives of young saints strengthen teens to tap into the graces of confirmation and give them companions in the faith as they face their daily trials. And may St. José continue to inspire many more teens to dedicate their lives to Christ.