‘Cabrini’ — Catholic Film of the Year

The Catholic film of 2024 easily is Cabrini, which tells the story of St. Frances Cabrini traveling from Italy to New York to care for the orphaned and destitute Italians. Despite many roadblocks, and in the face of severe prejudice, the movie highlights how she remained determined, persistent, resolute and undaunted — and responded in ways that had respect and love as the foundation of her determination. Her ways draw in those who are at first suspicious of her motives, including one girl of the streets and two streetwise orphans.
Throughout, Mother Cabrini is bold but never rash and impetuous, strong yet ever kind. For her, what mattered was winning for the people, for their lives were on the line as well as their souls. She wanted them to grow up to be good Christians and citizens.
In every instance, Cabrini is bolstered through a magnificent performance by Cristiana Dell’Anna that sings of greatness and shines with the inner strength that Mother Cabrini surely had. Director Alejandro Monteverde assembled a cast that works as a rare ensemble. He achieves something not only artistic but poetic with his compositions and camerawork — always showing how Mother Cabrini put Matthew 25 into action every day. She saw difficulties as a sign that Jesus was close: “It does not matter what kind of wood the cross is made of. It is enough to know it comes to us from Jesus.”
Overall, Cabrini is as unforgettable and timely as the saint herself.
- Keywords:
- year in review
- st. frances cabrini
- mother cabrini