The ‘Look’ of Discipline
Family Matters: Childrearing: Why do my kids ignore me when I, their mother, tell them to do something, but all their father has to do is look at them and they jump?
Prescription Parenting
I recently read that parents should compliment their children three times as much as they correct them. Is "parenting by the numbers" recommended?
Cure for Juvenile Memory Deficit
My 10-year-old son seems to have a bad memory only where I am concerned. If I say, "Please take out the trash," half an hour later he’ll tell me, "I forgot." The same thing happens with other chores. He only seems to forget what he doesn’t want to do.
Discipline Timeline
When we say that discipline is not working, what we’re often really saying is that things aren’t improving fast enough.
Why Consistent Discipline Works
When discipline is action, consistency leads to less action because you’re teaching and just not talking.
Good Expectations
My kids are always complaining that I expect too much. My rules are stricter than most parents’ — and I believe I expect more from my children than most parents. I feel like I’m swimming upstream. Any advice?
Happy to Be Disciplined?
My daughter, 7, sings or draws pictures with her fingers when I sit her in the corner. What do you do with a child who seems happy when she is disciplined? Dr. Ray advises.