
How the Eucharist Put an End to My ‘Rapture Anxiety’
COMMENTARY: My wife and I became Catholic for many reasons, but the Eucharist was central to our decision.

Carl Trueman’s Cultural Tour de Force
BOOK REVIEW: What Trueman does so well is to show the intellectual roots and cultural flow that has led to this moment, which is increasingly dominated ‘by an anticulture, a deathwork, and a rejection of nature.’

Academic’s Tale of Conversion: From Feminism to Motherhood and the Eucharist
BOOK PICK: Into the Deep: An Unlikely Catholic Conversion by Abigail Rine Favale

Are Catholic Converts Too Conservative, Talkative and Neurotic?
COMMENTARY: How to see the world in a Catholic way — through the eyes of Christ, with the mind of Christ and with the heart of Christ.

Six Things People Get Wrong About the Resurrection
COMMENTARY: Christianity without a risen Christ — truly alive and with a real, glorified body — is an essentially empty, even false, belief system.
Dawson Rediscovered
Carl Olson recommends Sanctifying the World: The Augustinian Life and Mind of Christopher Dawson by Bradley J. Birzer.
Defending Intelligence
Carl Olson recommends A Meaningful World by Benjamin Wiker and Jonathan Witt.
Teacher and Pastor
Carl Olson recommends Father Richard Hogan’s The Theology of the Body in John Paul II