
Wise as Serpents, Innocent as Doves — Defending the Unborn in a Post-Roe World
We need to wisely work to save innocent lives and build a culture of life while never compromising the basic moral law

‘Homily for a Suicide and Their Survivor Loved Ones’
Any suicide is an unspeakable tragedy, yet how we respond is crucial for serving those most in need of God’s mercy, including those who continue life here on earth.

Blessed Be the Name of Jesus
Here’s how to use ‘evangelistic jujitsu’ to joyfully counter irreverence toward the Holy Name of Jesus.

Takin’ Him to the Streets
Do we really believe Jesus is really present in the Blessed Sacrament? Then let’s act like it. The world needs our witness.

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
TV Masses are a blessing, but they leave a longing to participate in person.

A Coffee-Table Contribution to the New Evangelization
Spirit and Life highlights a variety of churches throughout the United States and abroad

Borrowing from RCIA to Bolster CCD
Providing Sponsors to Needful Parents of Religious-Ed Students

Blessed Solanus Casey Exalted in Humility
Blessed Solanus is a timely reminder of God’s merciful love, particularly for those most in need.

Unleashing Jesus Through the Sacraments
The Holy Eucharist and Confession are crucial for Catholic renewal