St. Salome, Who Went to Anoint Our Lord
The feast of St. Salome is April 24, and she is the patroness of Veroli, Italy.

St. Salome
When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go and anoint him. Very early when the sun had risen, on the first day of the week, they came to the tomb. ―Mark 16:1–2
Salome was one of the women of Galilee who spent much time with Jesus and the apostles, offering them assistance when able. Salome was also most likely the wife of a man called Zebedee and the mother of two of Jesus’ closest apostles: James (the Greater) and John.
Evidently, Salome could be a bit overzealous for her sons. Shortly before Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, she asked him to hold special places of honor for James and John in his upcoming kingdom. Jesus explained that the places in heaven were not his to give away but rather his Father’s. He also used the opportunity to teach those present of the importance of a humble spirit―of not putting oneself before others.
Salome and some of her Galilean friends were present at the Crucifixion of Jesus and undoubtedly agonized over the horrific scene they witnessed. The Gospel of Mark also places Salome with the group that went to anoint Jesus’ dead body. Because the Sabbath followed so quickly after Christ’s death, the preparation of his body for burial had to be delayed. So, at sunrise, when the Sabbath was completed, Mark wrote that Salome, Mary Magdalene, and Mary of Clopas went to the tomb with anointing spices, hoping to finally tend to the body of their beloved Savior.
On the way there, the devoted women discussed how they might remove the large stone placed before Christ’s tomb. When they arrived at the site, they were stunned to find it had already been pushed away. Their amazement only increased as they found an angel sitting by the tomb, announcing to Salome and her friends that Christ had risen! The angel then told the astonished women to share the great news with the disciples. Overwhelmed with emotion and trembling with fear, the women departed.
Legends tell that following Pentecost, Salome went to Veroli, Italy, to teach the people there about Christ. There is a church in Veroli named after St. Salome, which holds what are believed by many to be her remains.
The feast of St. Salome is April 24, and she is the patroness of Veroli, Italy.
Getting to Know St. Salome Through Scripture
If interested, spend a few days with St. Salome through your Bible. Consider reading, pondering, and perhaps journaling about the St. Salome verses presented below:
- Matthew 20:20–28
- Mark 15:40–41
- Mark 16:1–8
- Luke 23:49
- Luke 23:55–56