Pro-Choice Catholics Worship an Idiot God

Do you know who I respect?  I respect Catholics who refrain from receiving Holy Communion because they are not pro-life.  They look at a crucifix and say, “No.  None of that.  My will be done, not Yours” -- and so they stay away.  They have the honesty to admit that there is something huge and powerful at work, something they are not prepared to participate in.

But I have no respect for Catholics who trot on up to the Communion line and say, “Look at me, I’m progressive!  If only Christ were willing to come down from that cross and dialogue with me about compassion, then we’d get somewhere!”

If they don’t know what they’re doing, then we pray that God will crack that terrible shell of ignorance and indifference, and they will seek repentance.   But if these “pro-choice Catholics” do knowingly flout the teaching of the sanctity of life and yet refuse to abstain from receiving the body, blood, soul and divinity of Christ, then when they reach the head of that line, they are eating death and drinking damnation.  This is the teaching of the Church.

But there is someone even worse than a pro-choice Catholic..

Who is worse?  Their God.  The God of the pro-choice Catholic is an idiot God.

The God of the pro-choice Catholic says, “On Mount Horeb, I shattered the barrier between heaven and earth, and I will led an entire nation of people out of slavery and into the wilderness to give them My commandments.  The history of the human race was changed forever because of the gift of My law, which will protect them and will guide them to the promised land.  So, which commandments affirm your lifestyle?  Follow those;  don’t sweat the rest.”

The God of the pro-choice Catholic says, “I will send my Son who will give up His body to show you that there is something worse than suffering, something worse even than death. That God Himself expressed the truest form of freedom by obediently and humbly giving Himself over to death so that weaker creatures might have life.  This is the message of the Cross.  But maybe for you, freedom is best expressed with a suction machine.  Your body, your choice.  Who am I to say?”

The God of the pro-choice Catholics says, “I will establish a Church on earth to guide you and keep you from error, so that you can use your intellect to discover the paths of holiness which lead to true freedom and happiness; and this Church will endure every trial, assault and outrage from the devil, from the world, and from within, and it will last until the end of the world.  But if any of the Church’s teachings make you feel bad, then make up something easier and call it ‘progress.’  That should work fine, too.”

The God of the pro-choice Catholic says, “I will tell you a thousand times that this world is passing away, and that what you do here only matters because of how it prepares you for eternity.  The joys and sorrows of this world are fleeting, but your soul is immortal, and your body will be resurrected, to live out your salvation or your damnation eternally, according to the choices you make here and now.  But don’t go to any trouble.  Be practical.  Eternity will sort itself out somehow, I’m sure.”

The God of the pro-choice Catholics says, “I will give you sexual union as a beautiful and perilously powerful way for humans to take some small part in the fruitful love that pours from one Person of the Holy Trinity to the next.  So, the main thing to remember about sex is that, above all, you should do whatever makes you feel comfortable.”

The God of the pro-choice Catholic says, “I will take a human girl and make her the queen of Heaven and Earth.  She will be the one chosen to bring the divine into the world.  Human history and the second Person of the Holy Trinity will be permanently, profoundly, gloriously changed because of a woman’s choice, through a woman’s body.  Also, women will never be respected unless they spread their legs for an IUD.”

The God of the pro-choice Catholic says, “I have conquered death.  Now go forth and kill.”


Pope Francis waves from a balcony at Gemelli Hospital in Rome on Sunday, March 23, 2025, following weeks of hospitalization for bilateral pneumonia.

Pope Francis returns to the Vatican

Pope Francis returned to the Vatican last Sunday and is expected now to face two months of rest and recovery. Is this a new phase in his pontificate. This week on Register Radio, we talk to Frank Rocca, EWTN News Senior Vatican Analyst. And, as we move closer to Holy Week, the Register has taken a long look at the Art of Holy Week. We are joined by Sister Mary Madeline Todd from Aquinas College and a contributor to our coverage.